Fall 2003

Journalism and Black America: Then and Now

Black and white journalists, at times working as colleagues, at other times separately, have produced the first draft of our nation’s difficult history of race relations. In this issue of Nieman Reports, journalists examine reporting at the intersection of black and white America and look at the racial conditions, climate and conversations in newsrooms. – Melissa Ludtke, Editor


‘Coloring the News’ Collides With Journalists

‘… too many of those with heavy investments in the diversity crusade either read my arguments wrong or preferred not to review their investments.’

A Nieman Visit to Cuba

The fellows discovered risk-takers who ‘live with a wink, a fiction, and perhaps a few bribes.’

A Weblog Sharpens Journalism Students’ Skills

‘Students—the writers and editors—publish a respectable, if not professional, product every day on the World Wide Web.’

Blogging Connects a Columnist to New Story Ideas

‘… I have always suspected that many of my readers know more than I do.’

An Editor Acts to Limit a Staffer’s Weblog

‘This is not an issue of freedom of speech.’

Excerpts From the DMN Daily Weblog

Since The Dallas Morning News’s editorial board Weblog began on July 20, editorial writers have been sharing their views and, in some cases, arguing amongst themselves for the wired world…

Readers Glimpse an Editorial Board’s Thinking

Creating a Weblog offers ‘a way for us to demystify what we do and how we do it.’

Blogging Journalists Invite Outsiders’ Reporting In

‘To be interesting, the blog must have a discernible human voice: A blog with just links is a portal.’

Weblogs Bring Journalists Into a Larger Community

‘… we need to drop grandiose claims of being aloof, objective observers and be more transparent about how we do our jobs.’

Benefits Blogging Brings to News Outlets

What benefits do Weblogs bring to journalism? Several.

‘Sister in the Band of Brothers’

A reporter accompanies the 101st Airborne during the Iraq War and turns the experience into a book.

Blogs and Journalism Need Each Other

‘The transparency of blogging has contributed to news organizations becoming a bit more accessible and interactive ….’

Weblogs Threaten and Inform Traditional Journalism

Blogs ‘challenge conventional notions of who is a journalist and what journalism is.’

Blogging From Iraq

With a borrowed laptop, rented satellite phone and reader-generated budget, an independent reporter sends back stories from the war.

Why Journalists Can’t Talk Across Race

‘What we found is a conversation fraught with frustration and mistrust.’

A Guide to Various Weblogs

RELATED WEB LINKSDan Gillmor– dangillmor.comDave Barry– blogs.herald.comToday in the Sky– Abuse Tracker– Weblogging PioneerThe pioneer among blogging columnists is Dan Gillmor of the San Jose Mercury News. He…

Newsroom Diversity: Truth vs. Fiction

Before and after the Times’s debacle, American newspapers are still ‘telling our readers an incomplete, inaccurate story.’

Reporting in Southern Africa

A prominent white journalist revisits his reporting during apartheid and reflects on the news media’s work today.

A Reporter Is Fired for Writing a Weblog

He wonders whether there is ‘a place for Weblogs in the Fourth Estate firmament.’

Contemplating the Relevancy of Age and Race

‘My youth and race have been assets to my journalism during my budding career.’

A Racially Motivated Murder Leads to a Uniquely Reported Documentary

Whites interviewed whites. Blacks interviewed blacks. The stories came together.

Racial Reverberations in Newsrooms After Jayson Blair

‘The coverage of the scandal showed once again that African Americans are still not allowed to be seen as individuals when they fail.’

Reflecting on a Different Era in Political Journalism

Scotty Reston ‘and his peers felt comfortable making those choices based on their sense of what was best for the nation.’

Weblogs: A Road Back to Basics

‘Weblogs will not save journalism as we know it. However, they might end up improving journalism as we know it.’

The Infectious Desire to Be Linked in the Blogosphere

‘Weblogs offer journalists tangible ways to achieve that Number One feeling.’

Weblogs and Journalism: Do They Connect?

‘… the vast majority of Weblogs do not provide original reporting— for me, the heart of all journalism.’

Journalism’s ‘Normal Accidents’

By exploring theories about how organizations fail, a journalist understands better what is happening in newsrooms and why.

Fall 2003: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

At a time when access to the high-speed Internet is getting easier and do-it-yourself publishing software abounds, Weblogs are cyberspace’s quick-moving, multilinked, interactive venues of choice for millions of people…

The Siegal Committee Report

Examining suggested changes through the lens of normal accident theory.

Is Blogging Journalism?

A blogger and journalist finds no easy answer, but he discovers connections.

Twelve Questions On Race

If you were asked to grade race relations in Marshall, what grade, from 1 to 100, would you give? How might we improve our score? For the most part, predominantly…

Reporting on Race: Building a New Definition of ‘News’

A report on race reporting by civic journalists highlights some common approaches.

Having Conversations Across Race in Newsrooms

We have not ‘found a safe place or way to discuss racial issues with each other.’

Nieman Reports Revisits the Coverage of Black America

Journalists explore connections between the racial climate in newsrooms and news organizations’ coverage of race.

Asking Questions So a Community Thinks About Race

The Marshall News Messenger played a central role in creating a new dialogue.

Moving Toward Participatory Journalism

‘If contemporary American journalism is a lecture, what it is evolving into is something that incorporates a conversation and seminar.’

Reporting on the Minority Education Beat

At The News & Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina, attention is focused on how race affects education.

The Black Press: Past and Present

‘Once considered an outdated protest medium, the black press today is appreciated as crucial to ethnic progress.’

Lacking a Worthy Story, a Columnist Retreats From Writing About Race

‘Race is a subject that needs lowered voices, or even some benign neglect.’

The Work and Struggles of Black Reporters

Covering the Black Power revolution ‘was the only time that mainstream media put an important story entirely in the hands of black reporters.’

Fall 2003: Words & Reflections Introduction

Accidents happen in newsrooms, and some even can be expected to happen, according to William F. Woo, a former editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch who teaches journalism at Stanford…

Documenting the Orangeburg Massacre

Campus killings of black students received little news coverage in 1968, but a book about them keeps their memory alive.
Reporting on the Civil Rights Movement

Reporting on the Civil Rights Movement

‘… the issue seemed so cut and dry and the injustices so stark that reporters struggled to remain objective….’

Bloggers and Their First Amendment Protection

Web writing is a protected right, but more limits exist outside the United States.

Weblogs and Journalism: Back to the Future?

A blogger predicts that Weblogs might push Big Media back to better news reporting.

Journalists: Want to blog?

Take advantage of the newness of blogging to newsrooms and become a blogger before the publisher turns the assignment over to his/her favorite columnist. Just blog. Make a prototype. Show…

While the Watchdogs Slept

Five months went by before many in the press questioned the administration’s evidence for going to war.

Mainstreaming and Diversity Are Gannett’s Core Values

But these programs ‘are not without controversy.’

Determining the Value of Blogs

‘Without, say, the imprimatur of The New York Times, a blogger has only his or her reputation to recommend the work ….’

Making Race a Part of Local TV News Coverage

A news producer describes KRON’s reporting on race and the way this led to changes in how people work in the newsroom.

Fall 2003: Introduction

Black and white journalists, at times working as colleagues, at other times separately, have produced the first draft of our nation’s difficult history of race relations. In this issue of…