Winter 2003

Can Newspapers Reach the Young?

Newspaper reading isn’t a daily habit for most young people. Instead they catch headlines on Web sites, share opinions on Weblogs, and see breaking news alerts along TV scroll bars. Nor do they think they should pay for news reporting. “Deliver the newspaper to me free, and I’ll take a look,” typical young readers tell focus groups as news organizations look for ways to unlock the mysteries of how to connect with these reluctant consumers. – Melissa Ludtke, Editor


‘Baghdad Blues: A War Diary’

A photojournalist documents daily life during war.

Connecting What Is Learned With What Is Done

At Gannett, different strategies aim at the same goal of attracting younger readers.

The Washington Post Reaches Out to Young Readers

‘Put the journalism first, put the readers first, put the reporters first. And start to move.’

Lessons Worth Learning About Young Readers

Young people will read newspapers and creative minds are figuring out how to reach them.

Solving Some Mysteries About the Habits of the Young

The keys to turning young adults into newsreaders are out there.

Are We Reaching Da Youth?

Young adults’ ‘rejection of “the news” might be a reaction to big journalism’s rejection of them.’

When Journalists Report in Dangerous Places

An updated version of a journalist’s security handbook offers background and advice.

An Oral History Tells Stories Seldom Heard During the War

In ‘Embedded,’ war correspondents speak frankly about their experiences in Iraq.

Reporting From Baghdad During the War

NPR correspondent Anne Garrels describes what she observed and thought while reporting from Iraq.

How and Why Leaking of Secrets Happen

Journalists and senior intelligence officials are talking about ‘protecting government secrets without infringing on the right to report on the government.’

The Press and Coverage of Dissent

Between October 31, 2001 and September 19, 2002, 20 sessions were held in which past and present government officials, foreign and domestic journalists, and scholars discussed topics related to the…

Tracking Money in the California Recall Election

‘Newspapers miss a major element of campaign coverage if they give short shrift to campaign money.’

Why I Don’t Like Mainstream News

Young people find a lot not to like about the way news is often presented.

Practicing Journalism in Elementary Classrooms

‘Could eight-, nine- and 10-year-olds, who had trouble sitting still for more than 10 minutes at a time, develop the skills to become reporters?’

Conventional Views a Teen Section Editor Must Break

Good journalists don’t put their opinions in their writing. Instead of teaching teens to keep themselves out of articles, editors need to teach them when and how they should write first-person…

Excerpts From Leslie Koren’s Stories

RELATED ARTICLE“Writing Stories to Reach Young Adults”– Leslie KorenMy editors told me I’d need to lose the formal newspaper tone and spice up my stories when I took on this…

Targeting Young Women as Newspaper Readers

The Arizona Republic uses a magazine-style tabloid focused on fashion to bring younger women to the paper.

Drawing Young Urban Commuters to a New Tabloid

‘Even the name had to say, “Look at me. I’m not like the other papers.”’

How a Newspaper Becomes ‘H.I.P.’

To attract younger readers, a newspaper needs to be ‘human, interactive and personal.’

Retaining the Core While Reaching Out to the Young

What is needed is a talented young staff, fresh ideas, and a solid business plan.

Approaching the End of the ‘Monomedia’ Era

Why do young people insist in not understanding what we, the press, do for them?

When Teens Own a Part of the Newspaper

By featuring teen voices and experiences, a newspaper gives younger readers a place to call their own.

Exploring the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge

By boat and backpack, three journalists wander through this vast, treeless tundra.

Meshing Young Ideas With Older Sensibilities

At the Orlando Sentinel, reaching a younger audience is happening without alienating their older one.

Reporting From the Battlefield

‘… the unwritten last paragraph, the untaken last photo frame, is the true memorial of the war correspondent.’

Patriotism and Journalism

Edward R. Murrow said, ‘The terror is right here in this room.’

Reporting in Closed Societies

‘Every lie tells you a truth. If you just leave your eyes and ears open, it’s extremely revealing.’

Covering the Recall for a Spanish-Speaking Audience

The political editor of La Opinión found herself being interviewed by a lot of other reporters.

Scuttlebutt and Speculation Fill a Political Weblog

A newspaper columnist’s blog becomes a must-read on the campaign trail.

Campaign Coverage Without the Candidates

A Sacramento Bee reporter and photographer discover the anger of California’s voters.

The Watchdog Journalism Project Moves to the Web

‘We want to cajole, encourage, prod, stroke and, in the end, help create a sense of urgency and obligation to higher reporting standards.’

The New Knight Center at Walter Lippmann House

‘To the Niemans, there is no stationary state.’

Pressures for Media Reform in Korea

There are loud calls for changes in the way the press and government interact.

Writing Stories to Reach Young Adults

‘I put more of myself in stories by integrating my experiences and my thoughts and preferences in what I write.’

Celebrity Transforms Political Coverage

The Schwarzenegger campaign capitalized ‘on his celebrity to make ordinary journalism so marginally relevant to the outcome ….’

Winter 2003: Words & Reflections Introduction

As the Unites States’s military engagement continues in Iraq, dissent at home increases and news organizations wrestle with how to report on it, writes former CBS and NBC News correspondent,…

Dissent: Public Opinion, Media Reaction

Though dissent is a constitutionally protected right, to engage in it—sometimes even to report on it—is to risk having one’s patriotism questioned.

Lessons From SARS Coverage

Arguably, this coverage changed both the government and media in China.

The Anger Journalists Never Fully Understood

We must figure out ‘how to reach growing numbers of disillusioned citizens without pandering to them or jettisoning our core values.’

The Campaigning of Political Reporters

This is ‘an era in which the reporter has become more important than readers or voters.'

Mixing Young and Old to Create a New Approach

Youth Radio succeeds by ‘balancing young producers’ insights and new ideas about content with the professionalism and knowledge of their adult counterparts.’

L.A. Youth Partners With the Los Angeles Times

Its experiences offer valuable guidance for attracting younger readers.

A Documentary Examines Cable News War Coverage

Was objectivity a casualty?

Winter 2003: International Journalism Introduction

Sun Yu, who for 12 years was a reporter and editor of the Chinese and English language editions of China Environment News, explores ways in which news coverage in China…

Opening Up to Kids

Working to close the generation and credibility gap, post-Jayson Blair.

Winter 2003: Young Readers Introduction

Newspaper reading isn’t a daily habit for most young people. Instead they catch headlines on Web sites, share opinions on Weblogs, and see breaking news alerts along TV scroll bars.…

Winter 2003: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

With its unusual purpose and Hollywood celebrity, California’s autumn recall election became an archetypal mix of entertainment and news reporting. Lessons from its reporters shed light on some of the…

Seeing the Holocaust Through a Child’s Eyes

The following excerpt is from a longer piece, “Seeing Devastation Through a Child’s Eyes,” written by Kayla Conklin and published in Voices in April 2003. Conklin is a former Voices’…

Wondering What a Political Story Is

In this celebrity-driven election, a journalist questions her judgment about what should be reported.

Lights, Camera, Recall

Television news coverage could not get past a candidate’s star power.