Search results for “5+questions”

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The Emancipator's Co-Editors-in-Chief Are Bringing the 19th Century Abolitionist Paper to Life

The Emancipator’s Co-Editors-in-Chief Are Bringing the 19th Century Abolitionist Paper to Life

Deborah Douglas and Amber Payne on building on The Emancipator's historical roots, reimagining the newsroom hierarchy, and centering their work in joy
How Journalism Moves Forward in an Age of Disinformation and Distrust

How Journalism Moves Forward in an Age of Disinformation and Distrust

They say, if you’re going through hell to keep going
In an Era of Misinformation and Tracking Technology, Long-Held Journalism Norms Are Shifting

In an Era of Misinformation and Tracking Technology, Long-Held Journalism Norms Are Shifting

Newsrooms are rethinking traditional ideas of neutrality, the use of invasive tracking data, and source relationships with law enforcement
School Experiences Varied Widely in The Pandemic. Your Journalism Should Reflect That

School Experiences Varied Widely in The Pandemic. Your Journalism Should Reflect That

Finding the students and families who can’t make it to school board meetings or protests needs to be a top priority for reporters
As the World Changes, Sports Journalism Needs to Keep Meeting the Moment

As the World Changes, Sports Journalism Needs to Keep Meeting the Moment

The pandemic forced sports departments to go beyond scores and records. That’s a change that every newsroom should carry into the future
STAT's Helen Branswell On How COVID-19 Has Changed the Health and Medicine Beat

STAT’s Helen Branswell On How COVID-19 Has Changed the Health and Medicine Beat

The STAT senior reporter on the moment she knew the pandemic would become a big story, the politicization of the beat, and the challenges of reporting on evolving science
What Are We Missing in The Afghanistan Story?

What Are We Missing in The Afghanistan Story?

I can’t think about the horrific images of people in Afghanistan clinging to the wheels of U.S. military airplanes without thinking of the coverage of the Iraq war on April…
How NFTs Could Lead to A Serious Business Opportunity for News Organizations

How NFTs Could Lead to A Serious Business Opportunity for News Organizations

Circa 2015 the phrase “pivot to video” became popular in the news industry. Organizations were indeed leaning into video, but fast forward just a couple of years, and the catchy…
“A Wake in Words”: The Importance of Obituaries During — and After — the Pandemic

“A Wake in Words”: The Importance of Obituaries During — and After — the Pandemic

Unless news organizations continue to invest in obituaries, a fundamental way of keeping people together — and informed — will be lost
Journalism in Myanmar: “An Apocalypse for The Media”

Journalism in Myanmar: “An Apocalypse for The Media”

Myanmar’s former ‘outlaw’ journalists lead the battle for a free press