Fall 2016

What Journalists Must Do Next
In the wake of the presidential election, as journalists continue to critique their coverage, the urgency for new approaches to political reporting has been underscored time and again. The insightful essays collected in Nieman Reports reflect on this historic campaign while pointing the way forward for journalism. Journalists, historians, and academics explore the issues, challenges, and opportunities—from newsroom diversity to fake news to community news outlets—that will inform approaches going forward.

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Politics
Al Sharpton, Donald Trump, and the Black and White Truth
Crucial facts about race in America have been overlooked in analyzing Trump's win
December 14, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Technology
Get Serious About Getting Rid of Fake News
Hiring editors at Facebook is key to the health of our information ecosystem
December 14, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Politics
Earn Back the Right to Serve as Watchdogs
While demanding transparency from political leaders, we, as journalists, must hold ourselves accountable, too
December 7, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism From the Curator
The Way Forward
Reflecting on this historic campaign and looking ahead to what newsrooms must do next
November 30, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Politics
What Went Wrong—and Right—with Campaign Coverage
Journalists still have a lot to learn, but are also producing some exemplary coverage to learn from
November 22, 2016

Diversity Election '16: Lessons for Journalism
Still An Outsider in Mainstream Journalism
Trump’s rhetoric forces us to redefine what it means to be a Latino and a professional journalist
November 22, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Opinion
Journalists Need to Better Explain What Journalists Do … Including Me
If journalists don’t inform the public about what we do and why, we’re ceding the debate to those looking to vilify and delegitimize the press at a dangerous moment in…
November 18, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Local News
Creating Community-Centered, Not Candidate-Centered, Narratives
At the local level, the media need to convene the conversation
November 18, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Politics
Relevance over Reach, Value over Volume
Notes toward an empathetic journalism for the right half of America
November 15, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Local News
All Journalism is Local
To get beyond celebrity- and pundit-driven news, newsrooms need to become civic reactors—hubs of community information and activity
November 14, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Politics
Closing Gaps in the Name of Democracy
Making improvements in polling, news literacy, and the use of technology is urgent
November 13, 2016

Diversity Election '16: Lessons for Journalism
Let the Interlopers In
A journalist without a college degree on the need for educational diversity in the newsroom
November 12, 2016

Diversity Election '16: Lessons for Journalism
Looking for “Whitelash”
Newsrooms need to see the connection between journalism, white anger, and the politics of racial resentment
November 11, 2016

Election '16: Lessons for Journalism Local News
How Collaborative Media Partnerships Can Help Rebuild Local and Regional Journalism
The chasm between the coastal media centers and the country’s heartland is laid bare. Deep discontent, long simmering in the manufacturing Midwest and Appalachian coal country, went largely unrecognized until…
November 10, 2016