Niemans @ Work

Holding On to Hope that News Coverage Leads to Change

Holding On to Hope that News Coverage Leads to Change

Jasmine Brown, a 2020 Nieman Fellow and a 2021 Nieman Visiting Fellow, on maintaining her faith in journalism through the struggles of the past year.One of my primary beliefs as…
Empowering Incarcerated People to Tell Their Own Stories

Empowering Incarcerated People to Tell Their Own Stories

Shaheen Pasha, a 2018 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow, on starting the Prison Journalism Project and training incarcerated writers to tell stories about their prison community.The first thing I noticed was…
Telling Young People about the Realities of War

Telling Young People about the Realities of War

Rania Abouzeid, a 2020 Nieman Fellow, on adapting her book on the Syrian Civil War for a young audience through “Sisters of the War: Two Remarkable True Stories of Survival…
Upending the Journalism We’ve Always Done to Better Serve Communities

Upending the Journalism We’ve Always Done to Better Serve Communities

With URL Media, S. Mitra Kalita, a 2021 Nieman Visiting Fellow, seeks to elevate Black and brown media organizations.The June primary to represent my district in the state legislature in…
Examining the Future of the American Art Critic

Examining the Future of the American Art Critic

With her documentary “Out of the Picture,” Mary Louise Schumacher, NF ’17, hopes to prompt national conversation about art criticism and how meaning gets made in the 21st century:When I…
“Change Cannot be Reduced to Storytelling, but Storytelling is Very Often at the Beginning of Change”

“Change Cannot be Reduced to Storytelling, but Storytelling is Very Often at the Beginning of Change”

At Germany’s The New Institute, Georg Diez, NF ‘17, hopes storytelling is the catalyst for societal change.What is the power, urgency, some would say duty of journalism in the face…
Open Canada Covers Foreign Affairs with a Human Touch

Open Canada Covers Foreign Affairs with a Human Touch

Editor Michael Petrou, NF ’18, invites people whose voices aren’t usually heard in foreign policy publications to tell their storiesCanadians haven’t had to worry too much about the rest of…
Adding Diverse Perspectives to Newsroom Discussions

Adding Diverse Perspectives to Newsroom Discussions

With their Diversifying Journalism project, 2020 Nieman Fellows Ana Campoy, Jasmine Brown, and Selymar Colón are building databases of journalists and experts of color.At the time I was looking for…
Creating a Podcast About a Challenge That Will Outlast the Pandemic: Climate Change

Creating a Podcast About a Challenge That Will Outlast the Pandemic: Climate Change

With the new CBC podcast “What On Earth,” Laura Lynch, NF ’00, is bringing climate change coverage — and potential solutions — to Canadians.The phone call came in May. The…
Providing Better Narratives About Africa For—and by—Africans

Providing Better Narratives About Africa For—and by—Africans

Hannane Ferdjani, NF ’20, launched her program “Beyond the Noise” to report on the pandemic’s impact on AfricaProviding better narratives about Africa — it’s been my journalism quest since I…