
Highlighting Antibiotic Resistance

RELATED ARTICLE“The Unreported Threat in Coverage of Anthrax”– Philip CaperThough coverage of the potential health hazards of antibiotic abuse and overuse did not receive nearly the prominence of illnesses and…

America: A Bully Wreaking Havoc on the Poor

Why the Spanish press highlights the ugly side of the ‘war against terror.’

Understanding the ‘Why’ of September 11

Using the Web, Globalvision’s world news site helps readers dig deeper and broader for answers.

Independent Media Try to be Balanced and Fair in Their Coverage

Yet all parties play their ‘well-known game of intimidating the media.’

Images From Another War in Afghanistan

A controversial program for Afghan ‘journalists’ produced a treasured collection of video, audio and photography.
September 11, 2001: Telling Stories Visually

September 11, 2001: Telling Stories Visually

‘What moved me was a sense of a life being transformed by an experience in a way that there was no going back.’

Reporting to a Western Audience About the Islamic World

American journalists often lack training, knowledge and sensitivity needed to tell these stories.

Being Receptive to the Unexpected

A photographer immerses himself in a community to tell its stories.

Using the Drama of Cinéma Vérité to Tell Real Stories

It often conveys news, but is it journalism?

Where Journalism and Television Documentary Meet

Connecting with viewers ‘through personal stories and subjective approaches.’