Search results for “writing the book”

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‘We Know Where You Live’

Working for a Western magazine in Iran, a journalist finds that he has acquired some surprisingly close acquaintances—from the ministry of intelligence. And strangely, they are all called Mr. Mohammadi.

The Human Lessons: They Lie at the Core of Reporting in Iran

‘When we work in countries without press freedoms, we scarcely know the pressures on the people we encounter, the complexities of their motivations, the dimensions of their fears.’

The Challenges and Opportunities of 21st Century Muckraking

‘… investigative reporters are a hardy breed who will tenaciously uphold their watchdog mission in bad times as well as good.’

Imprisoning Journalists Silences Others

While most Iranian journalists have to operate with extreme caution, foreign journalists can be more frank on the issues they face in Iran.

The Virtual Iran Beat

‘Speaking Farsi helps expand our ability to gather news. It means we can tap into a more extensive network and speak to more Iranians, even if we’re not based in…

When Belief Overrides the Ethics of Journalism

‘There was no wall between the beat and reporter. He was on a mission to promote religion with all the fervor and zeal of his own born-again faith.’

They Blog, I Blog, We All Blog

An Australian blogger interviews dissident bloggers worldwide, and in his book he explains why what they do matters and who is trying to stop them.

Seven Visas = Continuity of Reporting From Iran

‘The Iranian government sometimes appears to favor U.S. reporters with little knowledge of the country who might be more amenable to spin, although that has not happened in my case.’

Film in Iran: The Magazine and the Movies

‘… there are two arenas—cinema and soccer—that while not completely impervious to the political torrents have a greater margin of immunity.’

The Web: Fertile Ground for Investigative Projects

‘Digital journalism could not be the sole domain of breaking news and blogging, and it had to be more than the repository of electronic reprints.’