Search results for “writing+the+book”

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2. State and Local Government

Joyce Purnick, the panel chair, led the discussion.Discussion Who’s Who Bauer, Charlotte—Assistant to Editor, Sunday Times, Johannesburg. Berkes, Howard—Correspondent based in Salt Lake City, National Public Radio. Berliner, Uri—Staff Writer,…

The Web Waits for the Photographer, Too

The World Wide Web has been heralded as a medium that provides new ways to explore the world and communicate what one finds. Unfortunately, very little of the anticipated paradigm…

Who Knows Better—Critics or the People?

America’s Most Wanted, 1994. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 24 x 32. By permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.“Painting By Numbers” is a book about art and freedom, authority and…

A Newsman’s Style as Envoy in Africa

When one thinks of how an ambassador’s career gets started, a rocky beach and seagulls don’t likely come to mind. But this is how Smith Hempstone, a former Editor-in-Chief of…

Scoop Artist Who Isn’t a Journalist

“Born to see; meant to look.” That’s the personal motto taken from Goethe’s “Faust” that Peter Drucker, the legendary thinker and management expert, uses to describe his profession. An observer,…

Get the Picture

A Personal History of Photojournalism

Tobacco and the American Civil Liberties Union

ACLU’s Charges New York To the Editor: Morton Mintz’s latest diatribe against the ACLU only serves to degrade and debase the standards of your magazine, whose stated purpose is “to…

Dramatizing a Story Through ‘High Density’

At a February 20, 1998, seminar with Nieman Fellows, David Halberstam was asked how he combined research with interviews and how he avoided becoming overwhelmed by the record in writing…

Legacy of Diana and the British Press

In July 1991, the editor of The Daily Telegraph hauled me into his office for a severe dressing down. My offense? I had written to an aide of the Duchess…

Response: Avoid Close Relations

The local head of a nationally recognized charity earns nearly $200,000 a year, travels the globe at the nonprofit’s expense and receives a new car of the model of his…