Search results for “writing+the+book”

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A Big Question: ‘How Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?’

Edge posed this question; discover how a wide range of thinkers responded.

Summer 2010: Class Notes

Headliner Awards for Print and Radio Journalism Three Nieman Fellows have been honored by the National Headliner Awards program, which is one of the oldest and largest annual contests recognizing…

Aaron Chum

In his Fortune magazine article “The Future of Reading,” Josh Quittner analyzes the future of reading and comes to the conclusion that although the methods of reading are changing, it…

Emily Rosenthal

With the new Apple iPad and other tablets to follow, there’s been much debate over the future of printed media. Some people believe that printed books and magazines are dead,…

Are Newspapers Dying? The View of an Aspiring Journalist

‘In The Republican’s newsroom I experienced something of a disconnect between the old vanguard of journalists who filled the paper’s top posts and younger staffers who were frustrated by the…

Moving Across the Border: Teaching Journalism in Hong Kong

‘As a student from Shenzhen, an industrial city just across the border, said: “Once I’ve discovered all the resources out there, I don’t want them taken away from me.” ’

What Changed Journalism—Forever—Were Engineers

‘Like the other engineer that has succeeded in killing journalism’s economic model—Craigslist’s Craig Newmark—Google’s founders have nothing against journalists, newspapers or our search for truth, justice and the American way.’

A Journalist Joins the Nigerian Government—If Only for A While

‘I wanted my freedom back—the freedom to be able to tell truth to power.’

Our Emotional Journey—Traveled Together

‘Journalism, at its best, is collaboration. No single reporter can ask every question. No photographer can capture every scene.’

Taking Time to Rethink, Adjust and Move Forward

‘Today, how we divide our time and do our work and get paid for it has virtually no connection to how things worked for those who started out a decade…