Nieman Notes

Dwight Emerson Sargent: A Remembrance

Nieman Curator from 1964 to 1973, he died on April 4 at the age of 85.

Revitalizing High School Newspapers

Putting out their newspapers, students learn how to stand up for their beliefs.

Documenting the Rhythms of Cuba

A photographer uses digital video ‘to capture the passion and grittiness of contemporary Cuba.’

A Nieman Year During Difficult Times

A Jordanian journalist learns to listen and reflects on what he does and why.

Living Treasures

There is a small committee in Santa Fe that twice each year names three people as “Living Treasures.” The name, and to some extent the content, is based on a…

Interactivity Creates a Different Kind of Journalism

A former newspaper editor turned radio host discovers ‘a forum, simultaneously public and intimate, for digesting news and debating its meaning.’

Nieman Fellows Take to the Road in Korea

‘For 10 days we changed from being reporters to being diplomats of our profession.’

Convergence Arrives at Lippmann House

Fellows learn about digital technology, but wonder about its place in journalism.

Digital Technology Could Lead Journalism Back to Its Roots

Entrepreneurial reporters will gather and distribute news in new ways.

A Spirited Force of Creative Change

Diana Thomson’s innovations are embedded in the Nieman Foundation.