Journalist’s Trade

Local TV Investigates Who Is Polluting the Water

A series of news reports found city agencies ignoring their own regulations and illegally polluting water in Dallas.

The Owens Lake Project

Areas on the lakebed that generate dust must be controlled with one of three approved dust-control measures: flooding with shallow sheets of water, establishing native salt-tolerant vegetation, or covering the…

Using Narrative to Tell Stories About Water

‘The imperatives of narrative nonfi ction carried me like a current to the book’s last words.’

When Water and Political Power Intersect

A journalist probes the story of water privatization in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Spring 2005: Introduction

Water is the essence of life, and its cleanliness, availability, and our use and abuse of it are stories meriting reporters’ and editors’ attention. Yet as Stuart Leavenworth, who covered…

Editorial Page Editors and Cartoonists: A Difficult Alliance

‘A cartoonist’s world is black and white, while an editor’s universe is imbued with shades of gray.’

Martha Stewart or Genocide: The Cartoonists’ Conundrum

The role of humor in editorial cartoons is being debated.

An Historic Look at Political Cartoons

‘The future of editorial cartooning in America is uncertain, but the past holds lessons for us all.’

Squeezing Originality Out of Editorial Cartoons

‘The resulting sameness of so much of our work has left us vulnerable.’

Drawing the Country’s Mood

‘… a drawing can pierce the emotional heart of a story deeper than the most gifted verbal lapidaries.’