Books Navigating Racial Tension in The Newsroom In his new book, Issac J. Bailey examines his efforts as a Black journalist to write forthrightly about race October 6, 2020 Issac J. Bailey Photographic Reflections on Peace Following Conflict In a new book of photographic essays from the VII Foundation, writers and photojournalists examine the complexities of rebuilding in conflict zones October 1, 2020 Nichole Sobecki Drew Pearson vs. Joe McCarthy: The Unmaking of the Modern American Demagogue In "Demagogue," his biography of Joe McCarthy, Larry Tye reveals journalist Drew Pearson’s role in taking on and bringing down the infamous senator from Wisconsin July 9, 2020 Larry Tye Pulitzer Prize-Winning Coverage of the Kent State Shootings Through the Eyes of a Young Editor A new book by Robert Giles, editor at an Ohio paper on May 4, 1970, details how he and his staff sorted fact from fiction March 30, 2020 Bob Giles “We all need to be investigative critics” Music journalist Jim DeRogatis on R. Kelly, denial, and truth in the age of #MeToo July 15, 2019 Jim DeRogatis Breaking the silence about corruption in Spain’s press A new book by a former editor-in-chief of El Mundo has opened a debate about the relationship between business and the media June 25, 2019 David Jiménez Agents for Good: How Bots Can Boost Accountability Journalism In “Automating the News,” Nicholas Diakopoulos is optimistic about a hybrid human-algorithm journalistic practice June 10, 2019 Nicholas Diakopoulos China and the AI Edge In a nation where privacy is not a core value, AI is being harnessed to create an obedient populace March 5, 2019 Amy Webb Photography is “a language that didn’t need translation” In "Shooting War: 18 Profiles of Conflict Photographers," Sebastião Salgado tells author Anthony Feinstein why he spends years exploring a single theme February 26, 2019 Anthony Feinstein How Hashtag Culture Influences International Conversations In her new book "Memes to Movements," An Xiao Mina explores how people from a historically overlooked nation such as Uganda are able to drive the conversation on issues in… January 8, 2019 An Xiao Mina Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 15 Next