Articles The Problem with Polls Isn’t Technological, It’s Political As a matter of civic ethics and good governance, it’s time to regulate the publication of pre-election polls November 16, 2016 Jill Lepore Predicting Outcomes Is Not Our Job Poll stories masquerade as serious journalism. We're in the business of providing real news and analysis so people can make their own decisions November 16, 2016 Keven Ann Willey Relevance over Reach, Value over Volume Notes toward an empathetic journalism for the right half of America November 15, 2016 Jeff Jarvis “Journalists have an even heavier task ahead” Two journalism students about to enter the industry reflect on the need for stories that address the changing needs of audiences November 15, 2016 Aaron Reiss, Will Jarvis Rebuilding Local Journalism as an Essential Democratic Force The work of local and regional papers once informed the work of national ones. Can new partnerships and tactics revitalize local coverage and restore that connection? November 15, 2016 Joyce Dehli Bring Back Retail Campaigning The old retail model of campaigning—spending time listening to voters in small settings—would benefit journalism, too November 14, 2016 Mike Pride All Journalism is Local To get beyond celebrity- and pundit-driven news, newsrooms need to become civic reactors—hubs of community information and activity November 14, 2016 Nicco Mele Lifestyles Lost How Trump won the lone electoral vote of Maine’s vast, sparsely populated Second Congressional District November 13, 2016 Murray Carpenter Closing Gaps in the Name of Democracy Making improvements in polling, news literacy, and the use of technology is urgent November 13, 2016 Evan Osnos Let the Interlopers In A journalist without a college degree on the need for educational diversity in the newsroom November 12, 2016 Diana Marcum Previous 1 … 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 … 433 Next