
"Corresponsales de guerra en nuestro propio país"

“Corresponsales de guerra en nuestro propio país”

Read in English.-¿Te sorprende que el gobierno mexicano los espía?A la pregunta del corresponsal extranjero sobre el último escándalo del gobierno mexicano mi respuesta no fue exagerada:-No. Eso siempre lo…
“War Correspondents in Our Own Country”

“War Correspondents in Our Own Country”

Translated from the Spanish by Patrick Timmons of the Mexican Journalism Translation Project. Leer en español.“Is it a surprise that the Mexican government spies on you?”I did not exaggerate when…
Dead Bodies, Nationality, and the “Newsworthy” Image

Dead Bodies, Nationality, and the “Newsworthy” Image

In “Death Makes the News: How the Media Censor and Display the Dead,” being published November 21 by NYU Press, social scientist Jessica M. Fishman probes a double standard in…
Advice for Editors and Producers Developing Disaster Coverage Plans

Advice for Editors and Producers Developing Disaster Coverage Plans

Reporting on the hurricane in Puerto Rico holds lessons for how to do better the next time
How CALmatters Is Finding Audiences for Statehouse Coverage

How CALmatters Is Finding Audiences for Statehouse Coverage

Innovative storytelling can make politics and policy reporting both compelling and accessible
“A podcast every day for three weeks straight”

“A podcast every day for three weeks straight”

After covering the Tour de France, Tim de Gier, NF ’16, launches a podcasting network in the Netherlands
The Trauma of Covering Traumatic Events

The Trauma of Covering Traumatic Events

I had increasingly intense visions of harming my wife.That’s not quite right. I had been having off-and-on images of violent events for years—seeing myself raped in prison or impaled during…
In Mexico, Journalists Are Silenced by Torture

In Mexico, Journalists Are Silenced by Torture

(Translated from the Spanish by Dick Cluster. Leer en español.)In some parts of Mexico, the majority of reporters have been silenced by means of torture. I first learned about this by…
En México, los periodistas son silenciados por la tortura

En México, los periodistas son silenciados por la tortura

Read in English.Existen zonas de México donde la mayoría de los reporteros han sido silenciados a base de torturas. La primera vez que me enteré de ese dato fue leyendo…
Covering Climate Change, with Urgency and Creativity

Covering Climate Change, with Urgency and Creativity

The assignment was simple: find out what energy companies knew about climate change, and when they knew it. InsideClimate News (ICN) reporter Neela Banerjee was initially skeptical they’d find any…