Search results for “writing the book”

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Saudi Women and Social Change

This article describes the changes undergoing in the Saudi society. It is a narrative piece that attempts at presenting the truth through the telling of a personal story. It is…

Ours, Theirs and the Bloggers’ Zones: Compatible, Yet Different

Over the years, creating community on the Telegraph’s Web site has come to mean a lot more than someone leaving a comment at the bottom of an article.

Blogging: Taking a Look After a Decade of Growth

Scott Rosenberg’s book, “Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It’s Becoming, and Why It Matters,” looks at the history of blogging and offers his opinions on what, after 10 years…

Media Users, Media Creators: Principles of Active Engagement

In transforming ‘ourselves from passive consumers of media into active users … we’ll have to instill throughout our society principles that add up to critical thinking and honorable behavior.’

An Argument Why Journalists Should Not Abandon Objectivity

‘… objectivity does not require that journalists be blank slates free of bias. In fact, objectivity is necessary precisely because they are biased.’

George Weller Reported on World War II From Five Continents

George Weller was a highly praised novelist who was fluent in a number of languages when the Chicago Daily News sent him overseas in 1940 at age 33 to cover…

The Netroots: Bloggers and the 2008 Presidential Campaign

From their position in the ‘outermost reaches of the campaigns and the daily news cycle, [bloggers] managed to break into that once-impenetrable world.’ What difference did they make?

Afghanistan-ism: An Apt Metaphor for Foreign News Reporting

When independent judgment isn’t valued in the work journalists do overseas, the consequences for the nation can be devastating.

Rotting Meat, Security Documents, and Corporal Punishment

A local Chicago investigative reporter uses shoe-leather techniques and digital tools to uncover health and safety violations and be sure the news is widely spread.

Jobs Change or Vanish: Niemans Discover an Unanticipated Bonus in Community Work

From tutoring to volunteer firefighting to working with at-risk children, fellows use their skills to dig into their surroundings.