Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 893 results

1960: Newspapermen and Lawyers

[This article originally appeared in the July 1960 issue of Nieman Reports.]I propose to speak tonight on a moderately pretentious topic, the public responsibilities of newspapermen and lawyers.…As my concern…

1994: The Old and Future Labor Beat

A veteran reporter complains that the press is ignoring blue collars and unions speaking for them.

1991: Operation Washington Shield

Administration’s manipulation of news embraced diplomacy and politics, as well as the battlefield.

1991: Investigators’ Checklist

Every campaign adds another important item—what will it be this time?

1983: Press Performance: Enough Is Too Little

Encouraging words on a new and healthyphenomenon—the press is taking a hard look inward and examining itself.

1999: Reporters’ Relationships With Sources

[This article originally appeared in the Fall 1999 issue of Nieman Reports.]No topic consumed as much of the conversation at the Watchdog Journalism Conference [May 15, 1999 at Harvard University]…

The Roots of Our Responsibility

The American press was halfway through the century just ended before journalists began to talk seriously about press responsibility.A letter Henry Luce wrote to Robert Hutchins, President of the University…

1993: Scouts Without Compasses

War in the Balkans is forcing correspondents to rewrite their guidelines.

1979: Nonwhite America: The ‘Unseen Environment’

The managerial ranks of newspapers are a purer white than Ivory Snow.

1978: Covering the Real Politics

Busing students to Hyde Park (Boston) High School in 1974. Photo by Paul Connell, courtesy of The Boston Globe.[This article originally appeared in the Summer 1978 issue of Nieman Reports.]…I…