Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 893 results

‘The Higher We Flew, the Less We Knew.’

A Century of Reporting on the Race for the White House

1981: A Conversation With Fred Friendly

“…Murrow had the sense of curiosity that all journalists have to have, a need to understand something before he talked about it, and a marvelous ear for copy.”—Friendly (left), with…

1955: The Seven Deadly Virtues

[This article originally appeared in the July 1955 issue of Nieman Reports.]…So revolutionary a change in the role of the American citizen was bound to have its effect on American…

1994: Expert Journalism

Portland (Maine) newspaper reframes the idea of objectivity to bring readers more forceful interpretive reporting.

Newspapermen and Lawyers

[July 1960] – I propose to speak tonight on a moderately pretentious topic, the public responsibilities of newspapermen and lawyers.…As my concern is public responsibility in our professions, I want…

The Roots of Our Responsibility

The American press was halfway through the century just ended before journalists began to talk seriously about press responsibility.A letter Henry Luce wrote to Robert Hutchins, President of the University…

1978: Uphill All the Way

[This article originally appeared in the Winter 1978 issue of Nieman Reports.]…Having been introduced to newspaper work on a thriving paper that received its United States and world reports by…
1959: The Pursuit of Journalism

1959: The Pursuit of Journalism

[This article originally appeared in the January 1959 issue of Nieman Reports.] For literature, said Max Beerbohm, he felt reverence, but for journalism merely a kind regard. A natural remark…

Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Journalism Introduction

What you [see] here is a collection which reflects the substance of the first 53 years of the conversation journalists have engaged in about their rights and responsibilities in the…

1951: How Best Prepare for Newspaper Work?

Nieman Fellows answer the question.