Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 789 results

Precision Journalism and Narrative Journalism: Toward a Unified Field Theory

This is the adapted text of the Hedy Lamarr Lecture Meyer delivered at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on October 3. The lecture was also sponsored by Medienhaus Wien, a…

Challenging ‘He Said, She Said’ Journalism

Instead of striving for balance, a veteran Supreme Court reporter asks, ‘How about truth for a goal?’

Books Take Over Where Daily Journalism Can’t Go

‘It is difficult to do justice to the complexities of Zimbabwe’s story while still grabbing and sustaining readers’ interest when so much of what reporters hear is depressing.’

Consensus-Building Journalism: An Immodest Proposal

‘What this country could use is an enormous mediation session, and in the unique role they hold, journalists are logical people to lead it.’

Journalism of Value = Context for Communities

The approach the Chicago News Cooperative is ‘trying to use journalism to create communities organized around an interest in the news.’

When Community and Journalism Converge

‘… I am bypassing the predictable, often sensational headlines to explore the profound ways that digital storytelling can be a force for political mediation.’

Looking at Western and Eastern Ideas About Journalism

I sometimes hear a claim made in Beijing academic circles for “Chinese journalism.” This posits that there is also something called “Western journalism,” and that both are circumscribed by orthodoxy.…

Investigative Journalism in the Arab World

‘Why not create a ProPublica-like news organization here to give the public more watchdog journalism?’

Journalism on the Map: A Case for Location-Aware Storytelling

‘Every place has a story, and every story has a place.’

Critical Thinking About Journalism: A High School Student’s View

<Lucy Chen created a quiz to test critical thinking skills learned in the News Literacy Project. Click to enlarge »RELATED ARTICLE“News Literacy Project: Students Figure Out What News and Information…