Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 790 results

Journalism: Its Intersection With Hyperlocal Web Sites

These sites ‘provide a depth of coverage of microscopic issues and events that thinly stretched traditional newsrooms simply can’t get to.’

When Community Residents Commit ‘Random Acts of Journalism’

‘In communities with little news coverage, people are using the Web to restore a sense of place.’

Teaching Journalism in the Digital Age: Introduction

In our Winter 2006 issue, Goodbye Gutenberg, journalists described the ways in which digital technology affects their work, and adjustments being made within newsrooms were front and center. What wasn’t…

Values Reside at the Core of Journalism

It is these essential values that ‘make someone a good journalist, and they are what lift this work above the trivial.’

Journalism and Academia: How They Can Work Together

‘Neither the practical (newsroom) model nor a purely academic one is ideal for either the aspiring or the working journalist.’

Plowing New Ground in Journalism Education

‘This should not be a discussion of how to graft the latest onto the existing.’

Credibility Resides at the Core of Teaching Journalism

The challenge involves adjusting to the new rigors of the practice and getting students to think in digital ways.

Journalism Driven By Passion

‘… we’re totally comfortable with the view that New Orleans should survive. As a newspaper, we’re clear on that position.’

Multimedia Journalism Changes What Universities Teach

‘Creating multimedia stories will require flexibility, a collaborative spirit, and strategic planning,’ and these are essential skills that must now be learned.

Community Building on the Web: Implications for Journalism

The founder of craigslist speaks about online lessons he shares with new media journalists.