Search results for “5+questions”

Showing 1088 results

‘Narrative Writing Looked Easy.’

It wasn’t, but with help the writer used French fries to explain Asia’s financial crisis.

‘Just Write What Happened.’

Imposing a narrative structure doesn’t always work.

Lessons Learned in Africa

A reporter replays history so past mistakes don’t become future policy.

What Are the New Challenges in the Wake of New Technologies?

Photo © Colin Franzen/U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism,Center for Photography.Bill Kovach, Curator, Nieman Foundation: “We have created a communication system with the new technology during the last two decades…

Is Getting Personal the Same as Probing Character?

David Broder, columnist, The Washington Post: “The harder part is how we can help voters figure out who the hell these candidates really are and how they might operate. I…

Are Members of the Press Bored By Issues?

Ron Faucheux, Editor in Chief, Campaigns & Elections: “[Politicians] are not really complaining about the questions the press is asking. What they’re complaining about is that nobody’s covering their answers.…

Do Members of the Press Try to Set the Policy Agenda?

Lee Hamilton, former congressman from Indiana: “I am impressed about how many people in the media in Washington, D.C. really are not much interested in doing what I at least…

Designing and Distributing the Survey

With the help of researcher Sue Schuermann, electronic databases were examined to find news stories about corporate crimes and misconduct. These examples were individualized for inclusion in the letters that…

Multimedia Coverage of the Interactive Kind

At OnPolitics, partnerships and public engagement change the way political news is delivered and digested.

From the Political Biosphere Into Cyberspace

A Journalist’s Journey From Television to the Web