
“Unite and Resist Every and All Attempts to Silence Us”

“Unite and Resist Every and All Attempts to Silence Us”

Rappler, a leading online news website in the Philippines, is fighting a legal battle for its survival, a danger signal to media freedom in the Southeast Asian country that used to pride…
El Riesgo No Sólo es Publicar, es Dónde Pisar

El Riesgo No Sólo es Publicar, es Dónde Pisar

Read in English.  El 21 de enero el grupo de WhatsApp se saturó de mensajes por una nueva emergencia: un grupo de hombres armados detuvo, amenazó y despojó de sus…
The Risks to Mexican Journalists Start Before You Even Step Out of Your Car

The Risks to Mexican Journalists Start Before You Even Step Out of Your Car

Translated by John Gibler. Leer en español. The WhatsApp group filled with messages from a new emergency: a group of armed men stopped three reporters, threatened them, and stole their cameras and…
Facts Are Facts, No Matter if Readers Like Them

Facts Are Facts, No Matter if Readers Like Them

We are in a time of hyper-propaganda, and not just from Russia, through social media that has reached, if not influenced, tens of millions of Americans. The president of the…
Reversing the Dangerous Trust Deficit

Reversing the Dangerous Trust Deficit

The New York Times recently implemented what may be an unprecedented move for a newspaper. It hired a fact checker to backstop the reporting in the D.C. bureau.Aside from cutting…
Don’t Shy Away from Dealing Forthrightly with Race

Don’t Shy Away from Dealing Forthrightly with Race

Editorial decisions frequently take into account race and identity—even when we pretend they don’t
Evaluating the ‘Trump Effect’ in Economics Coverage

Evaluating the ‘Trump Effect’ in Economics Coverage

Two things keep happening and probably will continue in 2018: News outlets will continue producing in-depth Trumpland stories; critics will keep slamming them for it. Some of that criticism is…
Is It Ethical for Journalists to Ask Trump Pointedly Provocative Questions?

Is It Ethical for Journalists to Ask Trump Pointedly Provocative Questions?

When President Donald Trump responded to the news of a new and advanced ballistic missile test by North Korea on November 28, he used what was, for him, relatively restrained…
The New York Times and Why White Supremacy Isn’t News

The New York Times and Why White Supremacy Isn’t News

A much-discussed Nazi-next-door piece in The New York Times went wrong for one reason: It treated the reporter’s discovery of the normalcy of white supremacy as news.There is nothing new…

8 reporters reflect on the challenges of covering sexual harassment

Journalists who break stories about powerful men who have sexually harassed or otherwise abused women face a host of challenges. These include getting  women to go on the record and…