Journalist’s Trade 1991: The Bill of Rights in Pictures [This article originally appeared in the Winter 1991 issue of Nieman Reports.]This year the United States has been observing the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights. While these rights,… December 15, 1999 Nieman Photographers 1990: A Supreme Court Decision Fosters Litigation A private citizen raises high the standard for justice—but pays a price. December 15, 1999 Eugene Roberts Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Sources Introduction In the spring of 1999, Nieman Curator Bill Kovach opened the second Watchdog Journalism Conference by voicing concern about the possible consequences of shifting relationships among sources and journalists. He… December 15, 1999 Melissa Ludtke 1999: The Role of Reporters’ Judgment Here are excerpts from the Watchdog Journalism Conference, May 15, 1999, at Harvard University. December 15, 1999 1999: When Reporters are Shut Out By Sources [This article originally appeared in the Fall 1999 issue of Nieman Reports.]What happens when reporters are shut out by sources whom they believe are necessary to report a story? Several… December 15, 1999 1999: Reporters’ Relationships With Sources [This article originally appeared in the Fall 1999 issue of Nieman Reports.]No topic consumed as much of the conversation at the Watchdog Journalism Conference [May 15, 1999 at Harvard University]… December 15, 1999 1981: Weighing Sources—Anonymous and Otherwise The Fiction of Janet Cooke and the Pulitzer Prize Surprise December 15, 1999 Clark R. Mollenhoff 1984: Confidential Sources: Testing the Readers’ Confidence [This article originally appeared in the Summer 1984 issue of Nieman Reports.]Researchers from The University of Iowa journalism school conducted a study in 1982 for the American Society of Newspaper… December 15, 1999 Gene Foreman 1986: CIA Rarely Tells the Press What it Wants to Know It only reluctantly tells Congress some of what it wants to know. December 15, 1999 Howard Simons 1958: Attribution of News Memo to All Hands December 15, 1999 Alfred Friendly Previous 1 … 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 … 78 Next