Journalist’s Trade

Debunking the Explanations Given for Lost Jobs

A cartoonist offers reasons why editorial page cartoons need to survive.

The Fixable Decline of Editorial Cartooning

Editorial page editors and business decisions combine to weaken what is the strength of editorial cartoons.

Cartoonists Reach Out to Educators

Using a curriculum overseen by AAEC, teachers can give students “a clearer understanding of the enduring value of this daily newspaper art form.”Short of a diabolical plan to have members…

Local Cartoons Can Convey Universal Significance

Our cartoonist called Florida the place where ‘America is working out its fate.’

Interviewing for a Job Illuminates Some Critical Issues

‘Take a job under impossible conditions and you invariably get fired.’

What Publishers Think About Editorial Cartoons

Unexpected benefits are found by some publishers, while others don’t even bother to ask readers about the cartoon’s impact.

The Evaporating Editorial Cartoonist

‘… editorial cartoon jobs are increasingly left unfilled or are eliminated entirely after a cartoonist leaves a paper.’

Why Political Cartoons are Losing Their Influence

‘How did it happen that such a confrontational art form … could be allowed to fall into disregard, disuse and ultimate dismissal?’

Are We Witnessing the Dusk of a Cartooning Era?

What will newspapers do ‘when the last salaried cartoonist drops dead and suddenly there’s nothing to publish in that box on all these editorial pages’?

Freedom of Speech and the Editorial Cartoon

‘Cartoons are the acid test of the First Amendment.’