
‘We Go Where We Think We Can Have The Most Impact’

‘We Go Where We Think We Can Have The Most Impact’

Five lessons from successful local news startups
Newsrooms Want to Diversify. These Programs Can Help 

Newsrooms Want to Diversify. These Programs Can Help 

At a time when diversity in education is under attack, a slew of new apprenticeships are providing pathways for young journalists of color to step into the profession
A Billionaire, A TV Network, And The Fight for a Free Press in India

A Billionaire, A TV Network, And The Fight for a Free Press in India

The hostile takeover of NDTV — one of India’s last channels willing to report critically on the Modi government — leaves few independent voices during a critical election cycle
"Now I Know Why My Wife Was Fired from Her Government Job"

“Now I Know Why My Wife Was Fired from Her Government Job”

In the age of digital surveillance, protecting sources vulnerable to retaliation requires an analog mindset
Smart Ways Journalists Can Exploit Artificial Intelligence

Smart Ways Journalists Can Exploit Artificial Intelligence

Chatbots may reinvent the way we write news, but AI is also helping newsrooms connect with readers and reach new audiences
Reporting from Gaziantep 

Reporting from Gaziantep 

In the wake of a brutal civil war, exiled Syrian journalists have carved out space in this Turkish city for their independent newsrooms
Forced to Flee: How Exiled Journalists Hold the Powerful to Account

Forced to Flee: How Exiled Journalists Hold the Powerful to Account

As press freedoms around the globe erode, journalists are building networks outside their home countries to continue reporting
"We’re Going to Be Where No One Else Is"

“We’re Going to Be Where No One Else Is”

In the wake of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria, journalists in Puerto Rico are doubling down on independent news organizations
"Vamos a estar donde no haya nadie"

“Vamos a estar donde no haya nadie”

En los años posteriores a la devastación del huracán María, los periodistas en Puerto Rico apuestan aún más al periodismo independiente
Meet The States Using Public Funding to Support Local Journalism

Meet The States Using Public Funding to Support Local Journalism

In the face of federal inaction, state-level experiments to fund community-based outlets are expanding