Books What’s the Difference Between Activism and Journalism? At a March 2013 meeting in Doha, Qatar, in which press freedom activists gathered to develop a strategy for responding to the violence in Syria, a heated discussion broke out… December 12, 2014 Joel Simon Like Father, Like Daughter The following is an excerpt from Will Steacy’s “Deadline.”Perhaps like many children of newspaper reporters, I came to understand small pieces of my father’s job before the full picture of… September 11, 2014 Allison Steele Looking Up To accompany an excerpt from Will Steacy’s “Deadline,” Nieman Reports asked longtime Philadelphia Inquirer staffer Dan Biddle, a 1990 Nieman Fellow, to summarize the paper’s recent history and its current… September 11, 2014 Dan Biddle In Praise of Digital Since its publication in 2001, “The Elements of Journalism” has been the industry-standard text on the ethics and practice of journalism. In this edited excerpt from the third edition, published… July 17, 2014 Bill Kovach A Native of Nowhere Nathaniel Nakasa left Harvard in the spring of 1965 ambivalent about his experience as a Nieman Fellow. According to his biographer Ryan Brown, he found studying race as an academic… January 29, 2014 Ryan Brown The Year of Living Safely, Away from the Drug Wars of Mexico (Video Interview) Dallas Morning News Mexico bureau chief Alfredo Corchado, NF ’09, recently sat down at Lippmann House to discuss his year as a fellow and his new book, “Midnight in Mexico.”An… June 13, 2013 Alfredo Corchado Starting Arguments: A Pulitzer Prize-Winning Political Cartoonist on the Right to be Offensive All illustrations by Mark FioreJust great. My first foray into book reviewing is reviewing a book by Victor Navasky, former editor and publisher of The Nation, onetime editor at The… June 13, 2013 Mark Fiore Grave New World: Evgeny Morozov’s Dire Warnings on the Reach of Google and Facebook Photo by Paul Sakuma/The Associated Press To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological SolutionismBy Evgeny MorozovPublicAffairs415 pages Evgeny Morozov has a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated technological advances… June 13, 2013 David L. Marcus The Year of Living Safely, Away from the Drug Wars of Mexico Alfredo Corchado, who has covered Mexico for the Dallas Morning News since 1994, was interviewed at Lippmann House. Video from the interview is available. What was it like coming to… June 13, 2013 Alfredo Corchado Putting the Pieces Together: An E-Book Memoir of a Bus Accident in Israel To be walking about a college campus with a knapsack on my back at age 39 was a great gift. It was all the greater for having had my first… June 13, 2013 Joshua Prager Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 15 Next