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It once seemed to take a million moving parts to put out a newspaper—a real, printed-on-paper edition of, say, The New York Times, the Herald Tribune or Le Monde.It was…
The End of the Ad World as We Knew It

The End of the Ad World as We Knew It

In “Frenemies,” media reporter Ken Auletta examines the collateral damage wrought by an age of consumers living an ad-free existence

Murder and the Making of a Journalist

In “My Brother Moochie,” Issac J. Bailey investigates the murder his oldest brother committed and comes to terms with difficult truths
AI’s Potential to Create Audience-of-One Media

AI’s Potential to Create Audience-of-One Media

In “Unscaled,” venture capitalist Hemant Taneja contends that disruption in the media is upending economies of scale
“She set the standard and then raised it”

“She set the standard and then raised it”

Once referred to as a one-woman WikiLeaks, Daphne Caruana Galizia was Malta’s most formidable independent journalist, with her blog, Running Commentary, serving as a leading source of investigative reporting in…
Tim O'Reilly on ways to put the brakes on "fake news" and rebuild trust on the internet

Tim O’Reilly on ways to put the brakes on “fake news” and rebuild trust on the internet

In “WTF: What’s the Future and Why It’s Up To Us,” web guru O’Reilly suggests it is time to reinvent social institutions for our online era
Dead Bodies, Nationality, and the “Newsworthy” Image

Dead Bodies, Nationality, and the “Newsworthy” Image

In “Death Makes the News: How the Media Censor and Display the Dead,” being published November 21 by NYU Press, social scientist Jessica M. Fishman probes a double standard in…
How News Flows on Social Media

How News Flows on Social Media

In “Twitter and Tear Gas,” Zeynep Tufekci examines how invisible gatekeepers— algorithms—affect which stories and movements gain traction
Political Journalism in a Networked Age

Political Journalism in a Networked Age

“Journalism After Snowden: The Future of the Free Press in the Surveillance State” examines the changing power dynamics between reporters and government
The New Wisdom of the Crowd

The New Wisdom of the Crowd

Scandinavian media giant Schibsted publishes Verdens Gang or VG, the number one online newspaper in Norway and the nation’s number two print daily. Schibsted’s approach to news is noteworthy because it “boasts…