
Unraveling the Story of Digital Media

A book confronts contentious issues of the new American media.

American Journalism Is Failing Democracy

An author and critic look in different directions to find solutions.

Golf Offers a Window on Our Changing World

Preferred Lies and Other Tales: Skimming the Cream of a Life in SportsJack WhitakerSimon and Schuster. 272 Pages. $24.There is a movie scene that haunts just about every serious sportswriter…

A Desire to Tell People What They Ought to Know

Salant, CBS, and The Battle for the Soul of American Journalism: The Memoirs of Richard S. SalantCompiled and Edited by Susan and Bill BuzenbergEastview Press. 331 Pages. $27.Dick Salant, the…

Race Intrudes on a Newspaperman’s Career

Ted Poston: Pioneering American JournalistKathleen HaukeUniversity of Georgia Press. 326 Pages. $29.95.In today’s age of hyper-speed journalism, where news cycles change hourly and consumers can get stories at the click…

Can Business Reporting Become a Positive New Force In Foreign News Coverage?

This is excerpted from a December 18 Nieman seminar in which Orville Schell, Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley, offered his perspective on foreign news coverage.Question: Why…

The Culture of Secrecy: Can It Be Cracked Open?

Secrecy: The American ExperienceDaniel Patrick MoynihanYale University Press. 262 Pages. $22.50.A Culture of Secrecy: The Government Versus the People’s Right to KnowEdited by Athan G. TheoharisUniversity Press of Kansas. 245…

What Difference Would It Make If Reporters Knew a War Crime When They Saw One?

This article is excerpted from a paper prepared by Roy Gutman, a correspondent for Newsday, for the International Studies Association conference held in Vienna, Austria in September 1998.Human rights abuses,…

Foreign Correspondents Transform Their Coverage Into Books

Rwandan refugees board a cargo plane in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that will take them back to Kigali, Rwanda. A mother sits next to her daughter who died…

Unraveling the Mystery of Vanishing Foreign News

Compassion Fatigue: How the Media Sell Disease, Famine, War and DeathSusan D. MoellerRoutledge. 390 Pages. $27.50.Any reporter working in the twilight of the Cold War and into the 1990’s knows…