
Books Every Science Writer Should Read

This list of recommended books has been assembled by Boyce Rensberger, director of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowships program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It represents only a start on…

Spring 2001: Book Reviews Introduction

Robert Jensen, a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, reviews “Drive-By Journalism: The Assault on Your Need to Know,” by Arthur Rowse. Anil Padmanabhan, a 2001 Nieman…

Unraveling the Story of Digital Media

A book confronts contentious issues of the new American media.

American Journalism Is Failing Democracy

An author and critic look in different directions to find solutions.

Golf Offers a Window on Our Changing World

Preferred Lies and Other Tales: Skimming the Cream of a Life in SportsJack WhitakerSimon and Schuster. 272 Pages. $24.There is a movie scene that haunts just about every serious sportswriter…

A Desire to Tell People What They Ought to Know

Salant, CBS, and The Battle for the Soul of American Journalism: The Memoirs of Richard S. SalantCompiled and Edited by Susan and Bill BuzenbergEastview Press. 331 Pages. $27.Dick Salant, the…

Race Intrudes on a Newspaperman’s Career

Ted Poston: Pioneering American JournalistKathleen HaukeUniversity of Georgia Press. 326 Pages. $29.95.In today’s age of hyper-speed journalism, where news cycles change hourly and consumers can get stories at the click…

Can Business Reporting Become a Positive New Force In Foreign News Coverage?

This is excerpted from a December 18 Nieman seminar in which Orville Schell, Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley, offered his perspective on foreign news coverage.Question: Why…

The Culture of Secrecy: Can It Be Cracked Open?

Secrecy: The American ExperienceDaniel Patrick MoynihanYale University Press. 262 Pages. $22.50.A Culture of Secrecy: The Government Versus the People’s Right to KnowEdited by Athan G. TheoharisUniversity Press of Kansas. 245…

What Difference Would It Make If Reporters Knew a War Crime When They Saw One?

This article is excerpted from a paper prepared by Roy Gutman, a correspondent for Newsday, for the International Studies Association conference held in Vienna, Austria in September 1998.Human rights abuses,…