
Medical Reporting In a Highly Commercialized Environment

A family doctor prescribes eight guiding principles for accurate and fair coverage of research findings.

Constraints on China’s Coverage of SARS

For a variety of reasons, neither the government nor the press handled the medical crisis well.

The Emotional Toll of Reporting on a Cancer Trial

‘I’d essentially planned to do a story about dying people with no real hope of a cure acting as guinea pigs.’

Helping Reporters Play the Medical Numbers Game

A journalist reminds us about how tricky putting ‘facts’ into perspective can be.

Critical Tools for Medical Reporting

A medical editor’s book provides advice and guidance for journalists.

Tips for Writing Medical News

Never use the word “miracle.” Leave that to ministers, mayonnaise-makers and sports-writers. Don’t use “breakthrough.” Breakthroughs are infrequent and this word, like controversy, is so overused that it has lost…

A Hard Look Finds a Network Script Fades to Blah

A journalist tracks where and how a medical story began and how its content came to be exaggerated.

Weighing Anecdotal Evidence Against the Studies

A reporter explores connections between increased rates of cancer and the changing lifestyle of Alaska Natives.

‘Living With Cancer’

A newspaper links forces with TV and radio to inform the community about the causes and consequences of this disease.

Digging Beneath What Is Said to Be the Truth

‘It puts the journalist in the position of challenging the source directly, a position no reporter or editor finds comfortable.’