
Percy Qoboza, NF ’76

After his return to South Africa, Qoboza (1938–1988) was detained and held for five months. The South African government shut down two black newspapers he edited, The World and The…
Josef Tucek, NF ’97

Josef Tucek, NF ’97

After his Nieman year, Tucek returned to work at Mlada fronta Dnes in Prague, creating the paper’s first science section The Nieman Fellowship changed me in so many ways; it’s…

John Carroll, NF ’72

After covering the Vietnam War, Carroll was editor of The Baltimore Sun, the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, and the Los Angeles Times, the latter of which won 13 Pulitzers during Carroll’s…
Hedrick Smith, NF ’70

Hedrick Smith, NF ’70

A member of the team that won a Pulitzer for reporting on the Pentagon Papers, Smith has had a major presence on PBS with his Frontline investigations As a reporter…
Larry Tye, NF ’94

Larry Tye, NF ’94

After covering medicine, the environment, and sports at The Boston Globe, Tye now writes books and runs a fellowship program that trains journalists covering health care It was the moment…
Harro Albrecht, NF ’07

Harro Albrecht, NF ’07

A medical writer and editor for the German weekly Die Zeit, Albrecht was one of the Nieman Foundation’s first Global Health Fellows In 2007 I was in Gulu, in northern…

James D. Squires, NF ’71

The former Chicago Tribune editor’s 1993 book “Read All About It!” raised an early alarm about the corporate takeover of U.S. newspapers Like many other young Southern journalists, my passion…
Katherine Fulton, NF ’93

Katherine Fulton, NF ’93

As president of Monitor Institute, Fulton works with business and government leaders to find new approaches to social and technological challenges Shortly after I arrived in Cambridge someone said to…

Pekka Mykkänen, NF ’04

Mykkänen has been a reporter for Helsingin Sanomat since 1995 The story I tell most often is about Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, a former Finnish president who, as a spy…

Harry S. Ashmore, NF ’42

As executive editor of The Arkansas Gazette, Ashmore (1916–1998) was a leading voice against segregation I remember going over to the President’s house. It was a very impressive thing for…