Articles Journalism and Citizenship Should there be connections? June 15, 2000 Ellen Hume Why Should the Public Trust Journalists? A long-time journalist looks outside his practice for answers. June 15, 2000 Cara DeVito ‘Things Are Not OK.’ An author argues that journalism’s watchdogs are being silenced by greed. June 15, 2000 Jim Tharpe Can the Press Win Back the Public’s Confidence? A First Amendment lawyer argues it must. June 15, 2000 Lorie Hearn Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Objectivity Introduction Nothing about journalism so engages—and enrages—the public and practitioners as do discussions about whether reporters can be and are objective observers of events they describe. Innumerable studies have set out… December 15, 1999 Melissa Ludtke Winter 1999 – Spring 2000: Photography Introduction A photographers’ poker game at the Halsman Studio, New York, in the early 1950’s. Gjon Mili is sitting in the white chair. Clockwise from him: Dmitri Kessel, Robert Capa, Pepi… December 15, 1999 The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights, as this parchment copy is now known, is on permanent display in the Rotunda of the National Archives. Courtesy National Archives and Records Administration. December 15, 1999 1981: A Conversation With Fred Friendly “…Murrow had the sense of curiosity that all journalists have to have, a need to understand something before he talked about it, and a marvelous ear for copy.”—Friendly (left), with… December 15, 1999 1971: A Case for the Professional [This article originally appeared in the September 1971 issue of Nieman Reports.]…at no time in history has the world needed the professional journalist more.The strident, partisan voices of today’s society… December 15, 1999 Wes Gallagher 1980: The New Reality [This article originally appeared in the Spring 1980 issue of Nieman Reports.]Martin Chuzzlewit, the hero of Dickens’s novel of that name, sails to the United States on a packet boat.… December 15, 1999 Anthony Lewis Previous 1 … 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 … 433 Next