
L.A. Youth Partners With the Los Angeles Times

Its experiences offer valuable guidance for attracting younger readers.

A Documentary Examines Cable News War Coverage

Was objectivity a casualty?

Winter 2003: International Journalism Introduction

Sun Yu, who for 12 years was a reporter and editor of the Chinese and English language editions of China Environment News, explores ways in which news coverage in China…

Opening Up to Kids

Working to close the generation and credibility gap, post-Jayson Blair.

Winter 2003: Young Readers Introduction

Newspaper reading isn’t a daily habit for most young people. Instead they catch headlines on Web sites, share opinions on Weblogs, and see breaking news alerts along TV scroll bars.…

Winter 2003: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

With its unusual purpose and Hollywood celebrity, California’s autumn recall election became an archetypal mix of entertainment and news reporting. Lessons from its reporters shed light on some of the…

Seeing the Holocaust Through a Child’s Eyes

The following excerpt is from a longer piece, “Seeing Devastation Through a Child’s Eyes,” written by Kayla Conklin and published in Voices in April 2003. Conklin is a former Voices’…

Wondering What a Political Story Is

In this celebrity-driven election, a journalist questions her judgment about what should be reported.

Lights, Camera, Recall

Television news coverage could not get past a candidate’s star power.

‘Coloring the News’ Collides With Journalists

‘… too many of those with heavy investments in the diversity crusade either read my arguments wrong or preferred not to review their investments.’