
Spring 2006: The Job of Frontline Editor Introduction

The frontline editor’s job is one that, in the words of Jacqui Banaszynski, who holds the Knight Chair in Editing at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, “has expanded…

The Dearth of Resources for Entering Editors

There are available ‘… few books, a large but scattered field of articles, and the handouts and tip sheets collected at relatively few Web sites.’

An Open Letter From Knight Ridder Alumni

What follows is a letter signed by 92 journalists who have worked for Knight Ridder newspapers. It was distributed to news media outlets in November 2005. RELATED ARTICLE“When Journalists’ Voices Are…

Will the Meaning of Journalism Survive?

‘Journalism educators are in a state of disquiet, if not distress, at their students’ lack of the broad background essential for independent journalism.’

Courtroom Testimony Offers an Excellent Road Map for Reporters

‘… the usual “he said, she said” quotes I read in press accounts have little or nothing to do with the actual issues raised by the Pennsylvania case.’

Creating a New Town Square

‘It’s a locus for the kind of civic trust and independence on which the idea of journalism, indeed democracy, is based.’

Drawing the Mood of New Orleans

‘Cartoon ideas presented themselves, but none embraced the gravity of the situation.’

Science and Journalism Fail to Connect

‘How can we expect Americans to know anything beyond what they happen to remember from science class? Journalists certainly don’t tell them.’

Defining a Journalist’s Function

In one approach to finding a definition, it turns out that being a journalist is about doing journalism.

Reconnecting With the Audience

‘What they say—not what we think—is what counts.’