
Meditating on the Conventions and Meaning of Photography

RELATED ARTICLE“Failing to Harness the Web’s Visual Promise“– Fred RitchinFred Ritchin’s book “After Photography” is a rich stew of memoir, history (remember the darkened image of O.J. Simpson on the…

Digital Stories Are Being Chosen and Consumed à la Dim Sum

In the absence of a front page—or even a home page, will readers confront a crisis of context? Or will convenience and a self-confidence in judgment triumph?

A Nieman Fellow Joins Jimmy Breslin’s Other Friends in Celebrating His Common Touch

‘It was a cross between “This Is Your Life” and an Irish wake, the important difference being, of course, that the corpse was still warm and still pretty ornery.’

Slain Sri Lankan Journalist Honored for His Commitment to a Free Press

Lasantha WickrematungeThe Nieman Class of 2010 presented two Louis Lyons awards in recognition of the many risks journalists working in conflict zones face on the job. In addition to honoring…

Reaching Out With Appreciation to Brave Colleagues in Afghanistan

Through the Lyons award and a teleconference with journalists in Kabul, the Niemans pay tribute to the work of Afghan reporters and hear about the difficulties they face.

Are Newspapers Dying? The View of an Aspiring Journalist

‘In The Republican’s newsroom I experienced something of a disconnect between the old vanguard of journalists who filled the paper’s top posts and younger staffers who were frustrated by the…

Moving Across the Border: Teaching Journalism in Hong Kong

‘As a student from Shenzhen, an industrial city just across the border, said: “Once I’ve discovered all the resources out there, I don’t want them taken away from me.” ’

Connecting What Happened Then With What Happens Now

‘To focus on Don Hollenbeck’s death is to miss the lessons of his life.’

What Changed Journalism—Forever—Were Engineers

‘Like the other engineer that has succeeded in killing journalism’s economic model—Craigslist’s Craig Newmark—Google’s founders have nothing against journalists, newspapers or our search for truth, justice and the American way.’

A Journalist Joins the Nigerian Government—If Only for A While

‘I wanted my freedom back—the freedom to be able to tell truth to power.’