
Grave New World: Evgeny Morozov’s Dire Warnings on the Reach of Google and Facebook

Photo by Paul Sakuma/The Associated Press To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological SolutionismBy Evgeny MorozovPublicAffairs415 pages Evgeny Morozov has a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated technological advances…

The Year of Living Safely, Away from the Drug Wars of Mexico

Alfredo Corchado, who has covered Mexico for the Dallas Morning News since 1994, was interviewed at Lippmann House. Video from the interview is available. What was it like coming to…

Putting the Pieces Together: An E-Book Memoir of a Bus Accident in Israel

To be walking about a college campus with a knapsack on my back at age 39 was a great gift. It was all the greater for having had my first…

The Year of Living Safely, Away from the Drug Wars of Mexico (Video Interview)

Dallas Morning News Mexico bureau chief Alfredo Corchado, NF ’09, recently sat down at Lippmann House to discuss his year as a fellow and his new book, “Midnight in Mexico.”An…

Photojournalists on Covering the Bosnian War

A soldier in Arkan’s Tigers, a Serbian paramilitary squad responsible for killing thousands, kicks a Bosnian Muslim civilian in Bijeljina, Bosnia in March 1992. Photo by Ron Haviv/VIIIn September 2011,…

Rediscovering Latin American Jewry, From Peru to Israel

Ten years ago I came upon the story of Segundo Villanueva, an impoverished Peruvian who, as a result of his reading of the Bible, concluded that Catholicism was a fraud.…
Latin American Journalism on the Transnational Express

Latin American Journalism on the Transnational Express

Pastureland has replaced rainforest along this stretch of the Interoceanic Highway in Brazil. Photo courtesy of CONNECTAS “Who in Latin America would be interested in transnational journalism?” was a question…

The Associated Press’s Kathleen Carroll: “You can have it all if you define what it is you want”

Photo by John MinchelloAs executive editor of The Associated Press, Kathleen Carroll oversees a staff of some 2,300 journalists working in more than 100 countries. The news they gather is…

In Korea, Watchdog Journalism Worth Watching on Television

Photo courtesy of SBS“First, I just fainted and vomited, but later it became worse and my whole body was shaking.” That’s what one conscripted policeman told us about the constant…

Do the Right Thing: Watchdog Reporters Handle a Bombing in Philadelphia

Photo by Will Steacy/From the Project “Deadline”At precisely 5:27 p.m. on the afternoon of May 13, 1985, a blue and white Pennsylvania State Police helicopter hovered over a heavily fortified…