Search results for “writing the book”

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An Indictment of the Washington Press

Two journalists give thumbs down to coverage of the Clinton scandals.

Has the Camera’s Eye Replaced the Writer’s Descriptive Hand?

An editor laments the demise of the narrative. And welcomes its return.

Fall 2000: Photojournalism Introduction

James Nachtwey’s book “Inferno” is a collection of 382 photographs depicting the horrific brutality and suffering of people who are entrapped by war, famine or political unrest. Its publication offers…

The Perils of Lunch With Sharon Stone

When the Five W’s aren’t appetizing, some reporters stir in a bit of fiction.

The Verdict Is in the 112th Paragraph

In a narrative serial of a murder trial, news is differently defined.

Fall 2000: Words & Reflections Introduction

The death penalty is under the journalistic microscope. Scrutiny of prosecutions and court procedures, along with new testing of DNA evidence, is illuminating ways in which the legal system—from the…

Talking About Narrative Journalism

Jack Hart [writing coach for The Oregonian]: We ran a narrative series last week about a basketball coach and his problems with crack cocaine. My girlfriend was at a meeting…

Narrative Journalism Comes of Age

Some find it hard to accept. Others embrace it.

Freelancers Confront New Challenges

In a contract battle, many argue their work shouldn’t be used for free.

Can Journalism Be Fair?

‘If truth is whatever works for you, there is no need for journalism.’