Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 893 results

Defining a Journalist’s Function

In one approach to finding a definition, it turns out that being a journalist is about doing journalism.

Reconnecting With the Audience

‘What they say—not what we think—is what counts.’

Iraq’s Emerging Press

Providing the public with ‘accurate, complete and fair information was, and remains for most, an unknown concept.’

Winter 2005: Words & Reflections Introduction 1

“Night Draws Near: Iraq’s People in the Shadow of America’s War,” a book written by Washington Post correspondent Anthony Shadid, who won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for his reporting from…

Global Warming: What’s Known vs. What’s Told

‘Americans could be forgiven for not knowing how uncontroversial this issue is among the vast majority of scientists.’

Journalism as a Conversation

‘Only as an afterthought did it dawn on us that the audience is the real content on the Web.’

Where Citizens and Journalists Intersect

‘The crucial leap will be helping our audience become involved in the process much more directly.’

The Future Is Here, But Do News Media Companies See It?

The news industry is a resilient bunch. Newspapers, in particular, represent some of the United States’s oldest and most respected companies. So far they have weathered storms of significant social,…

Editorial Pages and Intelligent Design

‘Once upon a time, I would have been mortified at the thought of exposing my religious views to my readers.’

Context and Controversy: Global Warming Coverage

‘… it is heartening to know that the simple inclusion of scientific context might help mitigate the readers’ level of uncertainty.’