Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 893 results

Meshing Science, Money and Politics in a Book About AIDS Vaccines

‘Narrative was an obvious tool for approaching such a story….’

Historical Writing and the Revival of Narrative

‘…the line between scholarly and popular writing is now much more difficult to discern.’

Writing About Ordinary Lives

‘I wanted to move the realm of curiosity into the lives of people who had been ignored….’

The State of Narrative Nonfiction Writing

On May 6, 2000, the Nieman Foundation and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism convened a panel of journalists to discuss narrative journalism. This event occurred during a two-day conference…

‘Narrative Writing Looked Easy.’

It wasn’t, but with help the writer used French fries to explain Asia’s financial crisis.

Foreign Correspondents Transform Their Coverage Into Books

Rwandan refugees board a cargo plane in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that will take them back to Kigali, Rwanda. A mother sits next to her daughter who died…

Cloning, a Great Story, but Know What You Are Writing

Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New WorldLee M. SilverAvon Books. 317 Pages. $25.Those biologists who tend toward irreverence say their conservative peers have one standard response to…

Issue Archive

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 2024 Winter/Spring 2024 ‘Unparalleled…
Scott Stossel on Taking Ideas Journalism Online at The Atlantic (Complete Transcript)

Scott Stossel on Taking Ideas Journalism Online at The Atlantic (Complete Transcript)

Atlantic editor Scott Stossel on keeping one of America’s oldest print magazines relevant

The Year of Living Safely, Away from the Drug Wars of Mexico (Video Interview)

Dallas Morning News Mexico bureau chief Alfredo Corchado, NF ’09, recently sat down at Lippmann House to discuss his year as a fellow and his new book, “Midnight in Mexico.”An…