Search results for “writing the book”

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'Speaking From Beneath the Sea'

‘Speaking From Beneath the Sea’

Through her reporting and activism, Mexican journalist Marcela Turati, recipient of the 2013 Lyons Award, is giving voice to those who lack political power and access to the media

The Illumination Business

Why drama critics must look at and look after the theater

Select, Shape, Celebrate

The critic’s calling is to elevate the good and ignore the bad

Concision and Clarity

Robert Christgau reflects on the art of writing well about music

The Reviewer Reviewed

A critic-turned-novelest explores the borders between journalism and fiction

But Is It Art?

How the roles of curator and critic can be complementary rather than combative

Critical Condition

“If you are counting full-time critic jobs at newspapers, you may as well count tombstones.” That was the response of Johanna Keller, director of the Goldring Arts Journalism Program at…

Concision and Clarity: The Extended Transcript

Brett Anderson: We’re here with Robert Christgau, the dean of American rock critics.Robert Christgau: Got it right.Brett: …who has been writing about popular music professionally for closing in on 50 years.…

Precision Journalism and Narrative Journalism: Toward a Unified Field Theory

This is the adapted text of the Hedy Lamarr Lecture Meyer delivered at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on October 3. The lecture was also sponsored by Medienhaus Wien, a…

Fall 2012: Class Notes

1946Robert Manning, an influential editor of The Atlantic Monthly, died of lymphoma at a hospital in Boston on September 28th. He was 92.Read his obituary from The Boston Globe.Manning was…