Search results for “writing+the+book” Showing 894 results Investigating What Harms People—As an Independent Reporter A Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter writes about ‘hurdles to obtain meager funding or to overcome editors’ reluctance to support the stories’—and offers suggestions. March 20, 2009 Blogs, Watchdog Reporting, and Scientific Malfeasance ‘Bottom line is that it takes time and money to do the kind of muckraking that newspapers have always excelled at, and I’m not sure the blogosphere can reliably reproduce… March 8, 2009 Using Strength of Evidence to Tell a Powerful Story About Torture ‘… there’s still an odd disconnect between the issues about which she’s done such superb reporting and the lack of informed public debate about them.’ December 23, 2008 No Time Left for Reluctant Transformers ‘Digitally based consumption by a fragmented audience requires new and sophisticated distribution mechanics … smartly connect[ing] consumers to available, relevant content in virtually unlimited ways.’ December 23, 2008 Tracking Behavior Changes on the Web Evidence accumulated in a major study reveals significant shifts in how people deal with knowledge and information—shifts that affect young people the most. December 22, 2008 If Murder Is Metaphor Novels, at times, speak to truth in ways we, as journalists, can find hard to do. December 15, 2008 The Middle East Conflict: American Coverage ‘… Dunsky’s book is at its best when she reveals little-known aspects of the relationship that exists between American journalists and their government.’ December 15, 2008 Video News: The Videojournalist Comes of Age ‘It is now possible for a person working on his or her own to make high-quality, intelligent and, most importantly, very inexpensive television.’ December 15, 2008 Peering Deep Into the Essence of Small-Town Life A photographer returns to Oxford, Iowa after 20 years to take pictures of its residents again, and his images share space with their words. December 15, 2008 Serendipity, Echo Chambers, and the Front Page As readers on the Web, we may filter out ‘perspectives that might challenge our assumptions and preconceptions about what’s important and newsworthy.’ December 15, 2008 Previous 1 … 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 … 90 Next