Search results for “writing+the+book” Showing 893 results What GamerGate Can Teach Journalists About Handling Twitter Storms Key to weathering a social storm is understanding that there may be legitimate criticism worth addressing December 12, 2014 Telling Complicated, Beautiful Stories About Chicago Growing up, if my sister and I were reading, we didn’t have to do chores. So, we read all the time. We loved a good story.My mother wanted us to… December 12, 2014 Embracing Encryption in an Age of Surveillance Modern communications and the rise of the surveillance state make it harder than ever for journalists abroad to protect their sources. The consequences for sources can be dire, even fatal.Journalists… December 12, 2014 Amplifying Women’s Voices Online Flashback one week: It’s December 3. I’m watching three commentators lead their communities in discussing a grand jury’s decision not to indict police officers in the death of a man… December 11, 2014 5 Questions for Jonathan Zittrain Jonathan Zittrain is a professor of law and computer science at Harvard who examines issues of privacy and fairness in the digital world. He is co-founder of Harvard’s Berkman Center… November 17, 2014 Harvard’s House of Blues Legendary blues guitarist B.B. King told Nieman Fellows about his hardscrabble beginnings and played for them one afternoon at Lippmann House back in the fall of 1980. That visit came… October 14, 2014 The Writer, Chronicler of His Time In his 1975 lecture, “The Journalist, a Chronicler of His Time,” Alejo Carpentier, a writer and journalist himself, made a distinction between the perspectives and roles of these two professions… October 3, 2014 Scott Stossel on Taking Ideas Journalism Online at The Atlantic (Complete Transcript) Atlantic editor Scott Stossel on keeping one of America’s oldest print magazines relevant September 29, 2014 “Thick Files and a Long Memory” Cuba may be opening up economically, but being a journalist in the country is still a risky business September 11, 2014 Like Father, Like Daughter Second-generation reporter Allison Steele reflects on the Inquirer newsroom, now and then September 11, 2014 Previous 1 … 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 … 90 Next