Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 893 results
Medium's Evan Hansen: “The Real Unit of Exchange Is … People”

Medium’s Evan Hansen: “The Real Unit of Exchange Is … People”

The online publishing platform's head of content labs on optimum story length, writing for free, and how to fix the experience of reading and writing on the Internet
The Value of Slow Journalism in the Age of Instant Information

The Value of Slow Journalism in the Age of Instant Information

As news cycles speed up, 'slow' journalists take months—even years—to report and tell in-depth stories
How to Deter Doxxing

How to Deter Doxxing

Newsroom strategies to prevent the harassment that follows the public posting of home addresses, phone numbers and journalists’ other personal information
Architecture Criticism: Dead or Alive?

Architecture Criticism: Dead or Alive?

Chicago Tribune architecture critic Blair Kamin explains why the dynamic, tumultuous process of creative disruption should not be mistaken for permanent dissolution
How Netflix Flipped the Script on Television's Disruption

How Netflix Flipped the Script on Television’s Disruption

In “Television Is the New Television,” media critic Michael Wolff argues TV is disrupting the Internet much more than the other way around
Public Radio and the Sound of America

Public Radio and the Sound of America

Broadcasters are trying to shake off "public radio voice" and bring more variety to the airwaves
Is Solutions Journalism the Solution?

Is Solutions Journalism the Solution?

New media ventures are focusing on what’s going right in the world rather than what’s going wrong
Why Newsroom Diversity Works

Why Newsroom Diversity Works

Effective strategies for making newsrooms more inclusive
Confronting Racism in the Age of Obama

Confronting Racism in the Age of Obama

After America elected its first black president, an African-American newspaper columnist found himself forced to defend his work
Tom Witosky, NF ’92, collaborated with another veteran sportswriter to chronicle the battle over same-sex marriage

Tom Witosky, NF ’92, collaborated with another veteran sportswriter to chronicle the battle over same-sex marriage

The journey to write “Equal Before the Law: How Iowa Led Americans to Marriage Equality” began April 3, 2009, when the Iowa Supreme Court granted gays and lesbians the right…