Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 893 results
Covering Abortion as a Personal Health Care Issue, and Not Just a Political One

Covering Abortion as a Personal Health Care Issue, and Not Just a Political One

Readers deserve honest, thorough coverage of abortion and the role it plays in women’s lives
Navigating Racial Tension in The Newsroom

Navigating Racial Tension in The Newsroom

In his new book, Issac J. Bailey examines his efforts as a Black journalist to write forthrightly about race
Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

I began writing this piece with trepidation, wondering if it would be fair to compare the president of the United States of America to a president in SyFy’s cult classic…
In Africa, Press Freedom Can Be a Matter of Life and Death

In Africa, Press Freedom Can Be a Matter of Life and Death

Recent incidents, including Hopewell Chino’ono’s arrest and government repression of coronavirus-related news, underscore the perilous state of freedom of the press in many African nations
Protest Photography Can Be a Powerful Tool For and Against Black Lives Matter

Protest Photography Can Be a Powerful Tool For and Against Black Lives Matter

If photojournalism wants to draw attention to social injustice, it must also look at the unintended harm photography can cause
Refugee Journalists Bring Access to Stories that Would Otherwise Be Missed

Refugee Journalists Bring Access to Stories that Would Otherwise Be Missed

“Diversity is not about political correctness, it’s about the quality of media”
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and One Journalist’s Painfully Honest Self-Examination on Racism

George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and One Journalist’s Painfully Honest Self-Examination on Racism

“No one in the United States is immune to the influence of white supremacy, not even a black Southerner like me”
Speculative Journalism Can Help Us Prepare for What’s to Come. Could It Also Promote Misinformation?

Speculative Journalism Can Help Us Prepare for What’s to Come. Could It Also Promote Misinformation?

This narrative technique can help audiences think about the future in more concrete terms. But critics question if integrating science fiction into journalism is responsible
Lessons from the Italian Media’s Coverage of the Coronavirus

Lessons from the Italian Media’s Coverage of the Coronavirus

It’s weird how my Twitter feed these days looks exactly like my Twitter feed from 12 days ago. Homeschooling tips. People doing things on balconies. Animals roaming in emptied cities.…
Former Esquire Editor’s New Site Offers Short Stories Inspired by Today’s Headlines

Former Esquire Editor’s New Site Offers Short Stories Inspired by Today’s Headlines

The Chronicles of Now, which launched today, marries fiction and journalism to intriguing effect. Publishing short stories inspired by news headlines, the site invites readers overwhelmed by the news (and…