Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 788 results

The Challenges and Opportunities of 21st Century Muckraking

‘… investigative reporters are a hardy breed who will tenaciously uphold their watchdog mission in bad times as well as good.’

Creating a New Platform to Support Reporting

‘My sole and motivating mission is to figure out how reporting can thrive as we witness the death of the institutional model that traditionally supported it.’

Suggest a Topic—And Content Flows to It

‘… content becomes a roaring campfire that gathers around it a thoughtful and engaged group of people.’

The Wisdom of the Crowd Resides in How the Crowd Is Used

‘… the animating idea—our readers know more than we do—is evolving into something that, if used wisely, will be far more efficient and useful than our first, early attempts at…

Media Re:public: My Year in the Church of the Web

In studying new and old media, the author feels ‘as though I’ve undergone two religious crises; one feels like a loss of faith, the other like a conversion.’

Bloggers Push Past the Old Media’s Gatekeepers

From YouTube to The Huffington Post, new media ‘are upending the presidential campaign process and raising questions about journalism's place in it.’

YouTube: The Flattening of Politics

As online video reshapes political coverage, news organizations ignore it ‘at their own peril.’

For Campaign Coverage, Web Too Often an Afterthought

‘Big news projects on the campaign are still conceived in The Washington Post's newsroom as traditional newspaper stories.’

Only the Reader Sleeps

As political coverage meets the insatiable Web, ‘Reporters and editors have less and less time and more and more responsibilities to file, and to keep filing.’

Creating an Investigative Narrative

On the second morning of the Nieman Foundation's three-day 2008 Conference on Narrative Journalism, Anne Hull, a 1995 Nieman Fellow, and Dana Priest, who investigated and wrote The Washington Post's…