Search results for “5 questions”

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Why the News Media Became Irrelevant—And How Social Media Can Help

‘Only the savviest of journalists are using the networks for the real value they provide in today’s culture—as ways to establish relationships and listen to others.’

Media Users, Media Creators: Principles of Active Engagement

In transforming ‘ourselves from passive consumers of media into active users … we’ll have to instill throughout our society principles that add up to critical thinking and honorable behavior.’

The Public and Journalists: They Disagree on Core Values

In considering the modern relevance of Walter Williams’s “Journalist’s Creed,” it was well documented that people who aren’t journalists held increasingly negative attitudes toward news organizations. For example, The Pew…

An Explosion Prompts Rethinking of Twitter and Facebook

‘… this explosion was our “aha” moment in experiencing how social media, Twitter, in particular, opens up new possibilities in journalism.’

What’s Old Can Be New Again—Assisted By Digital Media

‘It’s not a digital update of the newspaper, but it is a digital update of the community connection role I first learned about as a youth in Shenandoah.’

Social Media: The Ground Shifts

Social networks serving as Web services, not sites, ‘create new challenges for journalists, news organizations, and media companies that are only now starting to embrace social media.’

Navigating Through the Biofuels Jungle

‘Given my years of energy reporting in California, I could spot several warning signs early on; others took additional reporting to uncover.’

Going to Where the Fish Are Disappearing

Investigative reporters in Sweden set out to tell the story of why and how illegal fishing of cod was happening—and what it meant to consumers and businesses in their country.

‘We Know Where You Live’

Working for a Western magazine in Iran, a journalist finds that he has acquired some surprisingly close acquaintances—from the ministry of intelligence. And strangely, they are all called Mr. Mohammadi.

Understanding Iran: Reporters Who Do Are Exiled, Pressured or Jailed

‘Roxana’s work consistently gave the lie to the narrative of a monolithic Islamic Republic.’