Search results for “5 questions”

Showing 1081 results

Storytelling vs. Truth Telling

As this issue of Nieman Reports goes to press, Sirius, the Dog Star, rises with the sun. We are in the midst of dog days, and the suspicions of the…

Inner Eye

A Life-Long Strategy for Learning Photojournalism

Trials With Editors

Stan Grossfeld, a 1992 Nieman Fellow, has an enviable job as a photojournalist. An Associate Editor of The Boston Globe, he is free to go wherever his creative instincts lead…

Who Knows Better—Critics or the People?

America’s Most Wanted, 1994. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 24 x 32. By permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.“Painting By Numbers” is a book about art and freedom, authority and…

Questioning the Press’s Adversarial Tone

The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to DialogueDeborah TannenRandom House. 348 Pages. $25.“The Battle of the Sexes,” “Telecommunications Price Wars,” “Democrats Send Clinton into Battle for Second Term,” “A Classic…

Tobacco and the American Civil Liberties Union

ACLU’s Charges New York To the Editor: Morton Mintz’s latest diatribe against the ACLU only serves to degrade and debase the standards of your magazine, whose stated purpose is “to…

How to Keep the Watchdogs Watching

First Nieman Conference on Aggressive Reporting Produces Scores of Ideas, Some Conflicting

For America’s Nonprofit Sector, The Watchdog Seldom Barks

Democratic candidate Bill Yellowtail presented his views as Republican Rick Hill, left, and Natural Law Party candidate Jim Brooks, right, waited their turn in a debate in Great Falls, Montana,…

A Dozen Tips for Stories About Nonprofits

A dozen story suggestions from editors, reporters and nonprofit leaders:Nonproflts that deliver. Gather information on all major nonprofits serving your area, and compare the amount of resources they devote to…

Response: Demystify the Subject

Once upon a time I thought, along with Richard Parker, that "watchdog" journalism equaled "muckraking," which would lead to "making America better." Indeed, when Richard recruited me to help him…