Search results for “5+questions”

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New Tools in Telling News Stories

In online workshops, Spanish-speaking journalists learn how to convey news in its broader reality.

Respecting Cultural Traditions in a Newsroom

At the Lakota Times, editors help reporters blend their language and ceremonies into their work.

Increasing Press Repression in Russia

‘… bullying calls from the presidential administration or local governors act as a covert substitute for the rule of law.’

Debating How and Why Journalists Do What They Do

‘After listening to the real-life stories of real-life Polish journalists, I wasn’t so dogmatic or judgmental.’

Spin Alley: A Microcosm of Journalism’s Struggles

Will reporters end this ritual and regain the trust of their audience in their 2006 and 2008 political coverage?

Ethical Journalism Is Not an Oxymoron

In ethical decision-making journalists compare ‘very favorably with those who work in other professions.’

When Genocide Is a Story Left Largely Untold

‘The challenge for journalists in a situation like Darfur is to remember that our job is to cover history, albeit on the fly, and not just events or press conferences.’

Loving and Doubting Journalism at the Same Time

A University of Missouri survey of public attitudes toward journalism reveals a complex pattern of responses.

Why Objectivity Still Matters

‘Precisely because we understand our [human] maintaining the pursuit of objectivity.’

Journalism and the Public Interest

‘… an old-time journalist finds it a matter of sorrow that the press, at the height of its influence, is at a depth of its public approval.’