Search results for “5+questions”

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Laughter and Memories Shared Amid Danger

An interpreter says that if the Taliban fighter ‘found out I worked for foreigners’ — here Qahir ran his finger across his neck — ‘no more questions, I’m slaughtered.’

Uncovering Afghanistan

Cultural traditions have continued to constrain women's lives and voices even five years after the end of Taliban rule.

‘About This Story’

Newspapers work to make narrative journalism be accountable to readers.

Evolving Definitions of News

‘Journalists may have thought it was necessary to set the old school aside to accommodate the new realities, but with the new realities there is no new ethic.’

Feeding the Web While Reporting the Story

At The New York Times, multimedia storytelling is becoming more a part of the journalism and less of an afterthought.

Myths and Realities of Convergence

‘… news organizations will be best served if they focus on stories—not delivery platforms.’

Media Convergence: ‘Just Do It’

Changing people’s way of thinking is key to ‘the media revolution’ in northern Denmark.

Taking the Big Gulp

‘The Web is its own medium with its own characteristics. It is not newspapers. It is not TV news. It is not radio.’

Goodbye to All That—A Memoir

‘My introduction to daily journalism began with a murder. My introduction to Niemanry also began with a murder.’

The Challenge of Community Building

Knight Foundation asks whether the community role newspapers play can be replicated by new media and offers to support those who show it can.