Search results for “5+questions”

Showing 1086 results

Introduction: Reporting on Government, National Security, Nonprofits and Business

‘Watchdog journalism is the only function of journalism that justifies the freedom that journalists enjoy in this country.’ —Bill Kovach, Curator, Nieman Foundation

Naming Sources

Increasingly reporters cite anonymous sources rather than provide readers, viewers and listeners with actual names. At this conference, journalists, whose work demonstrates how information was gathered from sources who agreed…

Stages of Reporting: Finding and Using Sources

Several reporters devoted much of their presentations to describing how they went about finding sources and gathering information from them. In all cases, these reporters did not use anonymous sources…

Media’s Role in Changing the Face of Poverty

A Scholar Examines the Convergence of Race and Welfare in the Media.

The Role of Reporters’ Judgment

A question from the audience elicited discussion about whether there can ever be truly “independent sources.” The whole notion of independent sources, this questioner posed to the journalists, “is an…

The Inestimable Value of Family Ownership

As corporate newspaper ownership increases, independent decision-making is lost.

Nursing Stories Journalists Fail to Cover

A nurse raises vital questions that reporters should be asking.

Women Sportswriters Confront New Issues

No longer focused on locker room access, work and family challenges prevail.

Spanish Journalists Adore the Euro

Wonder why? The roots of this love affair go back a century.

In China, a New and Profitable Journalism Emerges

With profit comes change and questions about future direction.