
En México, los periodistas son silenciados por la tortura

En México, los periodistas son silenciados por la tortura

Read in English.Existen zonas de México donde la mayoría de los reporteros han sido silenciados a base de torturas. La primera vez que me enteré de ese dato fue leyendo…
Getting Racial Nuance Right after Charlottesville

Getting Racial Nuance Right after Charlottesville

An “AP Explains” piece illustrates just how difficult it is to get racial nuance right in the Trump era, even when journalists set out to bring much needed context to…
"La Incertidumbre es lo Que Matanzas"

“La Incertidumbre es lo Que Matanzas”

Read in English. Es extraño cómo mi vida y la de muchos periodistas mexicanos ha sido trastocada desde que en nuestro país comenzó la mal llamada “guerra contra las drogas”, y…
“The uncertainty is what kills”

“The uncertainty is what kills”

Translated by Dick Cluster. Leer en español.It’s strange how severely shaken my way of life and that of many Mexican journalists has been since the declaration of the poorly named “war…
Political Coverage and the Pressure to Get It Right

Political Coverage and the Pressure to Get It Right

Donald Trump and the GOP may lack a coherent governing agenda, but they have no doubt about their electoral strategy: Run against the media.The campaign against the media is not…
What Traditional TV Documentarians Need to Know About VR

What Traditional TV Documentarians Need to Know About VR

There has been an ongoing discussion about whether a documentary is journalism. A journalist is expected to be objective; a documentary filmmaker not so much. His or her perspective might…
Los Costos Invisibles De La Guerra Contra La Prensa En Mexico

Los Costos Invisibles De La Guerra Contra La Prensa En Mexico

Read in EnglishCuando la mañana del 23 de marzo comencé a recibir mensajes informándome del asesinato de Miroslava Breach en Chihuahua, la ciudad donde me crié, donde vive mi familia,…
The Invisible Costs of the War Against the Press in Mexico

The Invisible Costs of the War Against the Press in Mexico

(Translated from the Spanish by Patrick Timmons. Leer en español)On March 23, I began to receive messages about the murder of Miroslava Breach in the city of Chihuahua, my hometown. It’s…
CNN, the Trump Meme, and the Ethics of Anonymous Sources

CNN, the Trump Meme, and the Ethics of Anonymous Sources

CNN has the right to change its mind. It can reasonably believe it is unnecessary—right now—to name a man at the center of a controversy sparked by President Donald Trump’s…
Periodistas Mexicanos Dicen "No Al Silencio"

Periodistas Mexicanos Dicen “No Al Silencio”

14 JunioA partir de hoy y durante 3 días alrededor de 600 periodistas de todo el país acompañados de integrantes de organizaciones de protección a periodistas, académicos y ciudadanos interesados…