
Newsrooms Need a Plan to Diversify Investigative Teams, Too

Newsrooms Need a Plan to Diversify Investigative Teams, Too

The killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota has created a racial reckoning for the country.That reckoning has expanded to America’s newsrooms. Across the country, journalists of color…
Journalism Must Be an Act of Community-Building

Journalism Must Be an Act of Community-Building

Since the recent uprisings, we at Press On have been hearing and witnessing an increasing sense of urgency from journalism organizations and institutions to address their internal cultures and structures…
Journalists Can Help People Tell Their Own Stories by Talking Less, Listening More

Journalists Can Help People Tell Their Own Stories by Talking Less, Listening More

“Our role is facilitator instead of interpreter, catalyst instead of judge”
Newsrooms Should Make Space for Emotions

Newsrooms Should Make Space for Emotions

I can’t remember his name now, but I remember the abject fear of getting something wrong and having to face his wrath — the classic editorial anger meted out to…
Bob Woodward and the Ethics of the Presidential Scoop

Bob Woodward and the Ethics of the Presidential Scoop

Bob Woodward made the wrong choice. He should have alerted the public that Donald Trump, the president of the United States, was lying about the coronavirus. He was in a…
Before You Can Fix Your Newsroom, You Need to Fix Your Life

Before You Can Fix Your Newsroom, You Need to Fix Your Life

If you are looking at this reckoning on race and trying to change your newsroom, I ask you to do something harder: Take a critical look at yourself.There are no…
Journalists Need to Remember that Not All News Readers are White

Journalists Need to Remember that Not All News Readers are White

Every journalist needs to imagine a reader, someone to tell the story to. Of course, we all want many, many readers but keeping at least one person in mind during…
How Objectivity Can Make Audiences Cynical about Politics—and Journalism

How Objectivity Can Make Audiences Cynical about Politics—and Journalism

It’s a shame that headlines for straight-news stories about the stalled stimulus talks between Congress and the White House didn’t plainly say this before the issue was swamped by coverage…
As Erdoğan Cracks Down, Turkey's Independent Journalists Need Digital Skills and Business Acumen

As Erdoğan Cracks Down, Turkey’s Independent Journalists Need Digital Skills and Business Acumen

Shooting a glance at the uncanny paraphernalia on my desk feels like watching a “Breaking Bad” teaser: A fist-sized rock near my monitor, a half-burnt tear gas canister on the…
Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

Trump’s Presidency Isn’t Normal. Journalists Should Stop Reporting As If It Is

I began writing this piece with trepidation, wondering if it would be fair to compare the president of the United States of America to a president in SyFy’s cult classic…